Law Society news
You are currently filtering for: regulation

New anti-money laundering certificate to be introduced for law firms
A new AML Certificate is to be introduced for law firms to strengthen AML procedures and meet the requirements of the 2017 Money Laundering Regulations.

New Online Process for ongoing AML registration
We have launched a new online service for ongoing AML registration for solicitors joining, leaving or changing roles within their firm.

New Incidental Financial Business rules and guidance
Legal services consumers are set to benefit from new practice rules for Scottish solicitors on Incidental Financial Business.

AML risk asessment review
Has your firm completed an AML risk assessment? It's an essential part of law firms' anti-money laundering activity

Money laundering and the professions – what next?
Graham Barrow, anti-money laundering consultant and writer about financial crime, discusses the UK Government’s recent announcement regarding the professions and money launderers.

HM Treasury annual frozen assets review
HM Treasury frozen asset annual review - reporting period ends on 13 October.

Regulation – in everyone’s interest
Our Regulatory Committee plays a crucial role in overseeing our regulatory functions. Carole Ford, the lay convener to the committee, discusses some of its recent work and decisions

Opportunities for influence and development on our committees
Solicitors and non-solicitors have the opportunity to get involved with the work of the Law Society of Scotland, influencing decisions affecting the Scottish legal profession and helping to shape good law.

Judicial Factor appointed to Glasgow law firm
The Law Society has successfully petitioned the Court of Session to appoint a Judicial Factor to a Glasgow law firm

GDPR - what now?
Tim Musson, Convener of the Law Society of Scotland’s Privacy Law Committee, discusses General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance in the post-enforcement world.

Our support for Scottish Government's Consumer Scotland
We have expressed our support for the Scottish Government’s plans to establish a single consumer body, Consumer Scotland.

Countdown to AML registration deadline for Scotland’s law firms
Law firms in Scotland are urged to complete the new, compulsory anti money laundering (AML) registration process before 26 June 2018.

Legal aid mandates guidance
A reminder from our Civil Legal Aid Quality Assurance Sub-Committee that all firms should keep a fully completed and signed legal aid mandate on their legal aid client files.

A GDPR intervention
Morna Grandison, Director of Interventions at the Law Society of Scotland, talks about how her team is getting to grips with GDPR.

AML registration open
Make sure you submit your firm's AML registration application by 26 June 2018

Legal complaints costs to rise despite falling numbers
The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission has confirmed plans for an above inflation increase in its 2018-19 budget, despite the falling number of eligible complaints against Scottish solicitors.

Important changes to our email updates
We want to keep our members up to date with the latest practice updates, changes to legislation, legal news, CPD training courses and more.

Scottish Legal Complaints Commission must reform to cut costs
We have called on the SLCC to change the way it administers legal complaints to avoid an above inflation hike in costs.

New AML guidance, registration and information requirements
We have published new, HM Treasury approved, AML guidance for the legal sector and an update on new requirements for us and our members.

Judicial Factor appointed to Dalbeattie law firm
A Judicial Factor has been appointed to Dalbeattie law firm, Austins LLP

Admission regulations under review
As part of the Law Society’s Rules Review Project, regulations on admission as a solicitor are to be revised.

Law Society proposes radical reform to legal services regulation
Our submission to the regulation of legal services review outlines the case for radical change, including a simplified complaints system and proposals to address the growing unregulated sector.

Scottish solicitors endorse proposed changes to practice rules
Members endorsed our proposed amendments to practice rules on anti-money laundering practices and incidental financial business at our 2018 SGM.

Consultation on proposed changes to practice rules
We are inviting responses from members on proposed changes to current conflict of interest practice rules.