Accredited Paralegal highlights 2017 We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…
It’s been non-stop since the Accredited Paralegal status launched on 7 August and now I’ve been here for six months, it’s a good time to look at what we have achieved together so far.
Personal highlights
So what have my highlights been? For me, being involved in the launch of the Accredited Paralegal status and seeing the positive feedback from you all was amazing. It was also great to meet with so many of you at the launch party and to be able to chat and hear what it is you are looking for from the Law Society and the Status itself.
I think my second favourite highlight was being asked to speak at the CLT Graduation in August. This was a chance to talk about being a paralegal, what it means to me and how important the Law Society and the Accredited Paralegal Status is. I also got some lovely nibbles and prosecco…
Spreading the word
A lot of what we have been trying to achieve this year has centred around promotion of the status and trying to spread the word about this to paralegals and to firms who may or may not currently employ paralegals. I want to make sure as many people as possible are aware of the benefits of being an Accredited Paralegal.
Some of our promotion has involved attending events to exhibit and chat to people (and for those of you who attended the CLT Scots Law conference you will remember your little spooky Halloween treat! ) I also attended the Law Society’s annual conference and we have held networking events and drinks parties along with the SPA.
I have recently spent a lot of time formulating a plan for the upcoming year… all will be revealed in 2018!
Can you help?
So that leads me to ask you all a favour for next year… I would like as many of you as possible to get in touch with me - tell me what articles you would like to see in the Journal and Lawscot News, tell me what we can look at to make the status better, or what you might like to see tweaked or changed. There’s no harm in asking!
Most of all I would like you all to help me spread the word about how fantastic the Accredited Paralegal status is to as many of your colleagues as possible. You can read more about the benefits of joining up on the accredited paralegal pages.
So for now, all that’s left for me to say is Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I look forward to a productive 2018!

Accredited Paralegals
Our Accredited Paralegal status is a voluntary accreditation for paralegals working in Scotland.