Exciting secondment opportunity in Brussels
The Brussels Office of the three UK Law Societies (England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) acts as the voice of the solicitors’ profession in Europe. Situated in the heart of the EU district, the Brussels team are well placed to represent the interests and views of the legal profession to key decision makers and legislators.
The team are currently offering trainee solicitors, newly qualified solicitors and paralegals from the UK, a unique opportunity to undertake a three to six-month secondment in the Brussels office commencing in April/May 2019.
There has never been a better time to be in Brussels; you will be at the centre of the biggest political change of this century, which has momentous constitutional and legal implications.
Your role will be to assist the Brussels team in actively monitoring EU legal developments that range from competition law to criminal justice, public procurement to private international law. Specific tasks will include: preparing and writing the Brussels Agenda as well as drafting legislative updates highlighting developments in the corporate client and private client areas. You will also attend European Parliament hearings and high level conferences offering the opportunity to develop contacts with MEPs, key Commission officials and UK Government departments.
How to apply
Anybody interested in applying will need to provide a letter from their firm/employer confirming that it will continue to pay their salary during the secondment.
Candidates are invited to send their application, which should comprise a CV and covering letter and confirmation from your firm/employer of consent to the secondment to Antonella Verde, antonella.verde@lawsociety.org.uk.
The closing date for applications is Sunday 3rd March and interviews will take place the week of 4 March (telephone interviews are possible).
If you require an information note or would like to discuss the secondment, please contact antonella.verde@lawsociety.org.uk.
Testimonials from law firms
Jeremy Dickerson - Partner at Burges Salmon
Burges Salmon like to offer our trainees international secondment opportunities as it is an excellent way for them to experience working in a different environment and jurisdiction. Sending a trainee to the Law Society’s Brussel Office raises Burges Salmon’s profile with at the Law Society and develops a better relationship with the organization, through contact with expert committees and policy advisors and various high profile figures. Having a trainee at the Law Society in Brussels in the aftermath of the Brexit vote and going forward during the negotiations has and will prove very useful for the firm as they can share relevant information with the firm (as and when approved by the Law Society). Our last trainee provided us with weekly Brexit updates providing up-to date information on developments as they occurred and with a European perspective as well.
Our trainees have the ability to pick and choose which policy areas are more aligned to the firm’s practice areas which means the trainee’s experience is more relevant and useful for the firm. As for the trainees we have sent they come back more confident and with a much improved professional network from a range of industries and sectors and also with an understanding how lawyers practice in other jurisdictions.
Laura Devine - Managing Partner at Laura Devine Immigration Lawyers
Laura Devine Immigration Lawyers seconded Madeleine Lamond, a trainee solicitor, to the Law Societies Joint Brussels Office. It was an excellent way for Madeleine to learn about various aspects of EU law and the workings of the EU institutions, particularly at the crucial time of Brexit. Madeleine has been able to share much of this knowledge with other members of the firm, clients and contacts. The secondment enabled Madeleine to further develop her presentation, analytical and research skills, which are fundamental to her development as a lawyer. Madeleine also returned with an array of interesting contacts from both the UK and the rest of Europe and an increased confidence. I would highly recommend that law firms consider taking the opportunity of seconding trainees to Brussels where they will be greatly utilised and welcomed.