Fake law firm emails on the rise
A large volume of scam emails are being reported with many appearing as if they come from existing law firms.
One example appears to come from 'Anny Moore' or anne.moore@dextersolicitors.net and appears as:
"Dear Sirs,
Kindly find view attached Contract memo below for your attention,
Please go through and direct all queries to us, we anticipate to complete as soon as possible
We look forward to getting your replies
Kind regards
Anny Moore
Solicitor – Head of Conveyancing"
What action should you take?
We encourage all of our members and their colleagues to familiarise themselves with our cybersecurity guide - there are helpful tips for individuals receiving emails, as well as sending email, using the telephone and much more.

Cybersecurity guide
Keep you, and your clients' interests, safe with our cybersecurity guide
And if you suspect a fraud, or other internet crime, remember to report it on the Action Fraud website.
Where a fraud or scam has actually taken place, it should be reported directly to Police Scotland.

Frauds and scams
Information to help Scottish law firms avoid becoming the victim of fraud or becoming involved in the facilitation of fraud or money laundering.