Fraud alert - fake law firm
We have been made aware of a fake law firm named Denton and Gander claiming to be based in Aberdeen. Neither the firm nor those it describes as Scottish qualified solicitors, are registered with us and they are not listed in our Find a Solicitor search. The fake firm also appears to have used names and details of legitimate law firms in Australia, Gambia and Northern Ireland.
Solicitors should ignore any letters, emails or contact via social media channels they or their clients may receive.
What should you do?
If you suspect a fraud remember to report it on the Action Fraud website.
Where a fraud or scam has actually taken place, it should be reported directly to Police Scotland.
We recommend that you read our cybersecurity guide for further information to help keep you, and your clients' interests, safe

Fraud and scam alerts
We regularly issue alerts to members and the public in response to threats to the profession. We also raise awareness of any potential scams involving fake solicitors or firms.