Fraud alert - fraudulent SRA email
What is the scam?
Fake SRA emails
We have received reports from some of our members who have received emails fraudulently claiming to be from the Solicitors Regulation Authority asking them to fill out a compliance questionnaire. Scottish solicitors are not regulated by the SRA.
The email has been sent to firms from a variety of email addresses including:
What should I do?
Firms should not click on the link or engage with the correspondent. There is further information about this scam on the SRA website – fake SRA email
If you suspect a fraud, or other internet crime, remember to report it on the Action Fraud website. Where a fraud or scam has actually taken place, it should be reported directly to Police Scotland.
We recommend that you read our cybersecurity guide which includes tips for individuals receiving emails and what to think about before clicking on links and attachments.
Check all the latest notifications on our website: fraud alerts

Members Business support: Cybersecurity
See the Law Society Guide to Cybersecurity

Frauds and scams
Information to help Scottish law firms avoid becoming the victim of fraud or becoming involved in the facilitation of fraud or money laundering.