Clarity needed on proposed law to protect neurodivergent people
The Law Society of Scotland has called for greater clarity on the aims of new legislation to protect neurodivergent people and people with learning disabilities.
The professional body for Scottish solicitors has made a submission on the Scottish Government’s consultation proposing a Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill.
Lynda Towers, Convener of the Law Society’s Mental Health and Disability Committee, said: “We support the intention to better protect, respect and champion the rights of neurodivergent people and people with learning disabilities. However, it’s important that new laws are clear, workable and do not inadvertently discriminate against groups with similar needs.
“The current lack of support for neurodivergent people and people with learning disabilities may to some extent, arise from a lack of awareness and understanding of the current legislation. Any new legislation in this area must deliver real improvements to people’s lives.”

Mental health and disability law
Our responses to consultations in the area of mental health and disability law.

Scottish Mental Health Review
The Scottish Government’s response to the Scottish Mental Health Law Review is a positive indication of governmental commitment to much needed legislative reform, according to the Law Society of Scotland.

Policy committees
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