Mandatory solicitor advocate introductory course now available
Solicitors wishing to apply for extended rights of audience in the civil or criminal courts must attend a solicitor advocates introductory course prior to submitting an application.
This requirement follows from an amendment in 2020 of Rule C4 of the Law Society of Scotland Practice Rules 2011. Attendance at the course is valid for a period of two years for applications to be made.
The Society of Solicitor Advocates (SSA) will be running a course in Edinburgh on 3 February 2023. For more details including costs and how to book please visit the SSA website.
The course provides practical training explaining the application process and the standards and training required to obtain extended rights of audience in the court.
Speakers on the day will include Lord Ericht and Lord Armstrong, Law Society of Scotland Accreditation Manager Sonia Gentile-Mills, and experienced solicitor advocates involved with the training and qualification processes.

Becoming a Solicitor Advocate
Solicitor advocates are solicitors who have been granted extended rights of audience before the higher courts in Scotland.