New Council member for Glasgow and Strathkelvin solicitors
Glasgow-based solicitor Gordon Lennox has been elected to join the Society’s Council following a recent by-election.
Gordon Lennox, from Macdonald Henderson, will join the Council in April and Ahsan Mustafa, from Nolans Solicitors, both stood to represent solicitors in Glasgow.
Law Society President Murray Etherington said: “I want to thank Ahsan and Gordon for standing to represent solicitors in their area and to everyone who took time to vote for their preferred candidate.
“I’m very much looking forward to working with Gordon when he joins Council next month.”
Glasgow members will be able to meet Gordon next month when he joins Murray Etherington along with the Society's Chief Executive Diane McGiffen, and current Council members Amna Ashraf, Austin Lafferty, Beatrice Nicholas and Jean-Paul Kasusula, at an upcoming constituency visit in Glasgow on Tuesday, 28 March.

Our Council
The Council is our decision-making body. It's made up of elected members from geographical constituencies, co-opted and non-solicitor members.