Law Society strengthens links with New York State Bar Association
The Law Society of Scotland has strengthened its links with lawyers in the US by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the New York State Bar Association
The new agreement will help to facilitate the exchange of best practice and allow the Law Society and its members to develop networks and contacts with the NYSBA, enhancing the reputation and profile of Scots Law, the Scottish legal profession and the Society internationally.
The MOU recognises that a considerable number of members of Law Society of Scotland have been admitted to the State of New York Bar, and that there is a longstanding mutual respect between members of the Society and members of the legal profession in New York State.
It also outlines both organisations’ mutual interests and their desire to:
- strengthen their co-operation in promoting the mutual respect and exchange between lawyers in both countries and the exchange of legal information and materials
- recognise their mutual support for the Rule of Law and the development of legal research work throughout the world
- recognise the growing importance of trade around the world and the need closer ties between people in the legal profession and the vital part played by the law in these relationships
- recognise the potential for more effectively addressing international legal issues through international programs, seminars, congresses, community outreach projects and the exchange of publications internationally
- recognise the advantages inherent in developing and improving understanding within each jurisdiction of the laws of the other jurisdictions relevant to international business transactions, commercial disputes, human rights and the transnational delivery of legal service
Sheila Webster, Vice President of the Law Society said: “I am delighted and honoured to sign this joint memorandum of understanding with the NYSBA on behalf of the Society. It presents a new opportunity to strengthen the ties that we already share.
“Access to justice, rule of law, advancing technology, changing political landscapes – these are all issues that impact across the global legal community. It is enormously helpful to hear what other jurisdictions are working on, and to investigate new ways in which we can learn from each other and work together.
“Despite all our efforts we face serious challenges. The war in Ukraine has seen international norms abandoned and a prosperous European nation illegally invaded. We must all respond to this by working together to champion human rights and the rule of law around the globe. Working together is often not just about grand gestures, but about establishing structures for ongoing cooperation, such as the MOU with the NYSBA which can form an important part of that process.”
In her remarks at the signing ceremony, New York State Bar Association President Sherry Levin Wallach said that partnerships with other law associations are integral to the future of the law profession and of the rule of law itself.
She said: “In times of global uncertainty, the rule of law often comes under attack. At its heart, the overarching theme of partnerships such as we signed today, is to protect and defend the rule of law.”
The NYBA also signed MOUs with the Law Society of England and Wales and the Bar Council of England and Wales.

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