Scam offering legal services around immigration
What's the scam?
We've been made aware of an attempted scam where legal services are being offered to people overseas who want to come and work in Scotland.
The name 'Brian Dorman Solicitors' is being used on materials advertising the legal services. However, this is not a firm of Scottish solicitors entilted to pracise.
We understand that individuals looking for assistance with their immigration application are being asked to transfer money in return for the services.
What are we doing?
The police have been notified of this attempted scam.
What should you do?
Always check that an individual or company claiming to be a Scottish solicitor or firm of soilicitors is genuine and entitled to practise in Scotland. You can do this by using our Find a Solicitor tool.
Contact the police if you suspect a scam.

Fraud and scam alerts
We regularly issue alerts to members and the public in response to threats to the profession. We also raise awareness of any potential scams involving fake solicitors or firms.