SLCC annual report
Commenting on the publication of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) annual report for 2018/19, chief executive of the Law Society of Scotland, Lorna Jack said, “We are pleased to see the SLCC’s improved performance and its progress in clearing the backlog of cases. However, it is clear much more needs to be done.
“We need a complaints system that is fit for purpose yet few would argue we have that currently. 12 years on from the SLCC’s creation, consumers, solicitors and advocates still face a system which is slow, overly complicated, and costing more money to operate than ever before. There is also the challenge of the system being filled with ineligible complaints which still take up time and money to administer.
“This is why we are working closely with the SLCC to identify reforms to improve the system and speed up key parts of their processes. This can help consumers with genuine complaints get the redress they deserve more quickly. It also means we can protect the public by investigating alleged misconduct at an earlier point. These changes would need secondary legislation through the Scottish Parliament and we hope Ministers can make this an early priority ahead of wider reform.”

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