Summer school returns to inspire Scotland’s lawyers of the future
More than 160 high school pupils have attended a virtual event designed to inform and inspire the next generation of Scottish solicitors and advocates, including young people from less-advantaged backgrounds.
The Law Society of Scotland’s Virtual Summer School took place over four days last week, with pupils in S3 to S6 and college from around Scotland able to log in to a range of legal-themed sessions.
The programme included presentations on how to qualify as a Scottish solicitor or become an advocate, university funding information, along with insights from young lawyers and on a range of legal specialisms including criminal law, space law and sports law.
Law Society of Scotland President Sheila Webster, who welcomed participants during the first session, said: "It’s really encouraging to see such an impressive group of young people interested in the law and exploring whether it’s a career path that will suit them. I hope to see many of the participants qualifying as solicitors in the years ahead.
"The purpose of our Summer School is to break down some of the barriers and myths that might make pupils feel a legal career isn’t a viable option. That’s particularly the case for less-advantaged pupils, who we were particularly active in encouraging to attend this week.
"The high calibre of speakers who agreed to speak with these pupils shows that our profession is forward thinking and committed to encouraging talented young people to pursue a legal career regardless of their situation or background.
"Providing information and hopefully some inspiration for the pupils who participated this week is just the beginning. Our work to support bright young people who want to pursue legal careers is ongoing, and in the case of less-advantaged pupils this includes financial support through the Lawscot Foundation."

Support for school pupils
A key part of our work is to assure fair access to the legal profession, so we do a range of work with Scottish schools. Find out about our Street Law programme, schools debating tournament and careers events.