Three Scottish solicitors awarded newly introduced accreditation
After demonstrating their vast experience and understanding of professional regulation, three solicitors in Scotland have been accredited with the Regulation of Professional Conduct Law specialism.
The award which was developed and launched in early 2018, highlights the specialist knowledge and skillset involved in the regulation of professional conduct. The accreditation will make it easier for clients to choose a solicitor with the necessary expertise in complex disciplinary proceedings and defence work. It also highlights our commitment in encouraging the development of specialist knowledge within the profession.
Wendy Henderson, who works in the Regulation department at the Law Society, was the first to be accredited in September, and was recently joined by Elaine Motion and Alastair Milne from Balfour + Manson. They have joined over 500 solicitors throughout Scotland who hold an accreditation status in 28 areas of law, which are reviewed every five years.
Elaine MacGlone, Secretary to the Accreditation Panels at the Society said, “I am delighted that three solicitors have been successful in being accredited in our newest specialism. It is a complex area of the law and important in protection of the public. Many of our members practise both in-house and in private practice, which is borne out by Wendy Henderson, an in-house solicitor at the Law Society, being the first person accredited, followed closely by Elaine and Alastair. Congratulations to all three!”
Wendy Henderson, from the Law Society said, “I am glad that the profession is now recognising professional regulation as a specialism and expect to see others from the profession joining the list, along with myself, Elaine and Alastair.”
Further information on our accreditation scheme can be found in our members section.

Areas of specialism
There are over 30 different areas of specialism