Two nominations for the Law Society of Scotland vice president
Amanda Millar and Paul Matthews have been nominated to become the next vice president of the Law Society of Scotland.
Council members will vote for their preferred candidate and the result will be announced at the December meeting. The successful candidate will succeed current Vice President, John Mullholland, when he takes up the role of president on 31 May 2019.
Amanda Millar is a partner at McCash & Hunter, Solicitors in Perth, specialising in all aspects of mental health and adults with incapacity law. She is the convener of the Law Society’s Professional Practice (Rules and Waivers) Sub-Committee, and an observer to the Mental Health and Disability Sub-Committee. She has previously sat on the Professional Practice, Audit, Mental Health and Disability, Nominations and Client Protection committees. Amanda joined Council in 2010. Amanda also sits on the Society’s Board and the newly formed LawscotTech Board.
Paul Matthews was a partner in A B & A Matthews, Newton Stewart, for 29 years, a consultant to Grieve, Grierson, Moodie & Walker in Dumfries from 2015-18, and is currently a consultant to JHS-Law, also in Dumfries. He is currently convener of the Nominations committee. Paul first joined Council in 2004-5 and then returned in 2012 to date.
Law Society President, Alison Atack, said, “I am extremely pleased to congratulate both Amanda and Paul on their nominations to become the Society’s next vice president and I know that John would be delighted to have the support of either candidate when he takes up the presidential reigns next May.
“Amanda and Paul both demonstrate a keen appreciation of the issues and concerns facing Scottish solicitors in their roles as constituency Council members representing their colleagues Perth and Ayr, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Stranraer.
“Both candidates have an impressive breadth of experience, and their Council colleagues will have a difficult decision to make when they elect our next vice president in December.
“Whatever the outcome, I would like to thank both Amanda and Paul for standing, for their exemplary contributions to date and I look forward to working with them in the future”.
The new vice president-elect will be confirmed at the Society’s December Council meeting.
Current president, Alison Atack will move in to the role of immediate past president on 31 May 2019.
Further information
Council members will vote electronically for their preferred candidates between the 6th and 13th December and the result will be announced at the next Council meeting on Friday 14 December.
The Council is the Law Society of Scotland’s decision-making body. A wide range of committees and sub-committees report to the Council. You can find out more Council here.
The constitution of the Law Society of Scotland stipulates that the vice president will automatically succeed to the role of president.
Alison Atack is the current president of the Law Society of Scotland and recently retired as a partner at Lindsays. She joined Council in May 1998 representing solicitors in Glasgow and Strathkelvin. She is past member of the Regulatory committee and past convener of the Client Protection Sub-Committee.
John Mulholland is a criminal law consultant at Falkirk-based Marshall Wilson Law Group, prior to which his private practice work includes running his own firm for almost ten years. He joined Council in 2012. John sits on the Appeals and Reviews Subcommittee.
Amanda Millar is a partner at McCash & Hunter, Solicitors in Perth, specialising in all aspects of mental health and adults with incapacity law. She is the convener of the Law Society’s Professional Practice (Rules and Waivers) Sub-Committee, and an observer to the Mental Health and Disability Sub-Committee. She has previously sat on the Professional Practice, Audit, Mental Health and Disability, Nominations and Client Protection committees. Amanda joined Council in 2010. Amanda also sits on the Society’s Board and the newly formed LawscotTech Board.
Paul Matthews was a partner in A B & A Matthews, Newton Stewart, for 20 years, a consultant to Grieve, Grierson, Moodie & Walker in Dumfries from 2015-18, and is currently a consultant to John Henderson and Sons LLP, also in Dumfries. He is currently convener of the Nominations committee. Paul first joined Council in 2004-5 and then returned in 2012 to date.
The Board is a committee of the Council and supports the office bearers and the Council in taking decisions on operational matters.
For further information about the Law Society Council see the ‘About us’ section of the website.

Our Council
The Council is our decision-making body. It's made up of elected members from geographical constituencies, co-opted and non-solicitor members.