Will Aid 2020
Will Aid is a national will-writing campaign that takes place every November designed to enforce the need for a professionally written will, but it needs your help. Andrew Robertson, Managing Director of McClure Solicitors, explains why they take part in the campaign and why you should too.
Will Aid is a will writing scheme that enables people to have their will drawn up by a solicitor while raising vital funds for the life-changing work of nine of the UK’s best loved charities.
Will Aid is an annual campaign that takes place every November. Participating solicitors waive their usual fees and offer a percentage of their time for free to write basic wills in return for a voluntary donation.
The campaign has many loyal legal firms who have taken part since the campaign was created in 1988.
We have been taking part in the Will Aid campaign for 15 years and every year we raise millions for charity through the numerous campaigns we support.
McClure’s was established more than 160 years ago and now boasts 15 offices throughout Great Britain as well as over 185 charity partners.
In 2017, we celebrated being the second highest donating firm in the UK and for the past two years we have been the top donating Will Aid firm.
Taking part in Will Aid enables us to give back to both our community and nine worthy charities.
Each year all our staff look forward to November. Will Aid is a fantastic opportunity for us every year to meet new clients, give them great legal advice and, in the process, raise valuable funds for charity.
In addition to donations, many people also opt to leave a gift in their will for the Will Aid charities with the amount of legacy pledges increasing year on year.
Everyone knows they should have a will, but the majority of adults don’t have one. None of us know what is around the corner. If you leave it until you need it, it will be too late!
The most common feedback we receive is: ‘We have been meaning to write a will for years, thanks to Will Aid this gave us the nudge we needed to get it sorted’.
The scheme is easy to sign up to and the Will Aid team handles the admin work associated with donations, which allows solicitors to focus on writing wills.
You can donate as little or as much time as you want, and any work carried out over and above a basic will is charged separately and paid to the firm.
You can sign up to participate in this year’s scheme now by visiting: https://www.willaid.org.uk/solicitors/register
If you have any questions, or would like to talk through the scheme before signing up, please contact the publicity team on pr@willaid.org.uk

Sign up for Will Aid
Will Aid is an annual partnership between the legal profession and some of the UK’s best-loved charities. Through Will Aid, vital funds are raised for nine deserving charities, while providing the local community with the peace of mind a professionally written Will brings, and generating new business for your firm!