Public service contractors could be subjected to FOI
Some private companies and charities that provide public services under contract could find the freedom of information (FOI) legislation extending to them under Scottish Government proposals now out to consultation.
Bodies being considered for inclusion at this stage include contractors operating private prisons, providers of secure accommodation for children, grant-aided schools and independent special schools.
Since April 2014 FOI has been extended to local authority arm’s length trusts delivering leisure, culture and sporting services.
Minister for Parliamentary Business, Joe FitzPatrick, said: “Scotland already has the most robust freedom of information regime in the UK and it is our aim to ensure that this continues, and that our principles of openness, transparency and accountability set an example for other nations to aspire to."
He added: “We welcome feedback from the bodies themselves, stakeholders and the public. We are also interested to hear about what other bodies, either individually or collectively, should be considered in any future consultations.”
Click here to access the consultation. The consultation closes on 4 September 2015.