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Consultation explores support for learning disabilities
Views sought ahead of Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill

Ministers will not appeal s 35 ruling, nor withdraw bill
Scottish Government waiting for future UK Government to discuss progress

MSP committee majority backs Visitor Levy Bill
Stage 1 report supports general principles of visitor levy plans

Too many Commissioners? MSPs to investigate
Holyrood committee to examine need for more coherent and strategic approach

Secretary of State's GRR Bill s 35 order lawful: judge
Scottish Ministers' challenge to use of blocking power rejected

Finance Committee hammers Circular Economy Bill
Report slates uncertainty and doubts ministers' commitment to affordability

Current justice funding model unsustainable: MSP report
Committee calls for spend-to-save model to avert crisis in system

Disabled Children Transition Bill voted down at stage 1
MSPs reject member's bill as likely to fail in its objectives

Ministers lack plans for fiscal stability, MSPs report
Committee criticises lack of long term financial planning

MSPs call for new agreement on how devolution works
Post-EU changes require new understanding between Governments: report

Scottish ministers admit climate assessment failure
Legal action threat by Good Law Project forces promise of urgent work

Fourteen new bills in Yousaf's Programme for Government
Human rights, land reform and housing among promised measures

Tied Pubs Act within Holyrood competence: Inner House
Court affirms decision to reject challenge by landlords

MSPs seek better civil service oversight of decisions
Report on workings of Scottish Government calls for more coherent approach

MSPs to probe sustainability of Scotland's finances
Call for views as committee launches inquiry into spending pressures

Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill goes out to public's views
Call for views issued on bill to allow local charge on paid accommodation

Firework control zone provisions in force from today
Further legal measures add to clampdown on reckless use

Visitor Levy Bill introduced to Holyrood
Councils to be given power to charge visitors and reinvest proceeds

Society signs Goa Declaration on independent profession
Move links Commonwealth statement with concerns over Regulation Bill

Government backtracks on EU law repeal plans
UK bill no longer to set general repeal date for end of 2023

Council tax on second and empty homes could double
Consultation seeks views on giving local authorities extra powers

DRS delayed as Yousaf sets three Government missions
First Minister launches policy prospectus with commitments by 2026

Views split over challenge to s 35 block of GRR Bill
Scottish Government confirms challenge to UK ministers' blocking tactic

Report aims to advance women's equality at Holyrood
Cross party group publishes proposals to remove barriers