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Views invited on framework bill for farming support
MSPs consult on Scottish Government measure as stage 1 opens

Bill introduced for new farming support package
New payment system will encourage sustainability and climate mitigation

Digital system launched for crofting applications
Commission promotes advantages of online submission

Five new legal experts join Morton Fraser
Law firm strengthens team to meet client demand

Ministers propose new rights for small landholders
Views invited on right to buy, right to diversify and more

Agriculture Bill proposals put out to consultation
Ministers seek views on supporting and developing Scottish farming

High demand affecting rural land market: Commission
Market Insights Report shows how landownership could concentrate further

MSPs call for action over Crofting Commission failings
Committee criticises ministers' failure to tackle concerns raised in 2016

Land Court and Lands Tribunal to merge
Expanded Land Court expected to offer more streamlined service

Morton Fraser hires Martin Minton
Law firm strengthens Agricultural and Rural team

Final bill passed as Holyrood rises for election
Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Bill given unanimous support

Livestock worrying bill needs amended, MSPs report
Stage 1 report supports principles but highlights concerns

Faculty opposes Land Court and Lands Tribunal merger
Response argues different expertise and approach needed in each body

Bill to continue CAP passes final stage
MSPs unanimously back ongoing farming support schemes

Expanded Land Court could take in Tribunal: new paper
Ministers seek views on amalgamation, and other issues

Dogs livestock-worrying bill goes out to views
Holyrood committee begins stage 1 scrutiny of member's bill

Three members' bills come before Holyrood
Livestock worrying, funfair licensing and local council powers all affected

CAP continuity law needs sunset clause, MSPs report
Ministers should not be able to use broad powers indefinitely

MSPs want time cap on powers to replace EU farm schemes
Stage 1 report opposes indefinite period for wide powers

"Major inquiry" needed into farm tenancy system: Gill
Former Lord President calls for review of alternatives

Crackdown on livestock worrying proposed in member's bill consultation
Higher penalties, police powers and ban on owning dogs could be enacted

National film studio grounded by small landholding rules
Court refuses to allow resumption of site

Crofting reform plans outlined
Two-phased approach proposed by Cabinet Secretary

Supreme Court affirms solicitors' prescription plea to defective notices claim
Time ran from when landlords incurred expense, though ignorant of outcome