Legal news
You are currently filtering for: criminal-law

Jury trials to return to the islands in spring
Assurances received from GEOAmey over future performance

SCTS revises criminal case backlog predictions
Summary cases now to be cleared in 2024-25, and High Court in 2025

Current justice funding model unsustainable: MSP report
Committee calls for spend-to-save model to avert crisis in system

Crime figures up 3% in first full post-Covid year
Total recorded crime still 3% below 2019 figure

MSPs call for clarity on Wildlife and Muirburn Bill
Stage 1 report proposes changes and seeks further information

Ministers propose permanent digital justice changes
Consultation open on continuing post-Covid measures, and other reforms

Glasgow plea surgery off to promising start
Anwar initiative leads to early resolution of solemn and summary cases

Ecocide Bill proposed by Labour MSP
Monica Lennon consults on plan for new environmental crime in Scots law

Ex-sheriff fined for offensive phone remarks
Alistair Duff pled guilty to sexual and racist comments

Ministers set out justice programme through to 2026
Delivery Plan takes forward Vision for Justice objectives

Death by driving sentencing guideline approved by court
First offence-specific guideline comes into effect on 16 January

Abortion Safe Access Zones Bill goes out to views
MSPs begin stage 1 scrutiny of measure to restrict anti-abortion actions

Fee rises and more cases raise legal aid bill by 14%
SLAB annual report records £135m total spend in 2022-23

High summary trial demand affecting SCTS recovery plan
Level of outstanding trials slowing progress: comment on monthly figures

Appeal allowed for directions beyond prior submissions
Miscarriage of justice where judge raised matter not founded on in speeches

Swearing and calling police “hun” was aggravated breach
Sheriff could use judicial knowledge to convict of sectarian abuse

Bill introduced for abortion “safe access zones”
Controversial member’s bill has support of Scottish Government

Report records increased demands on COPFS since Covid
Inspectorate of Prosecution report for 2022-23 approves use of diversion

SLAB consults about A&A and ABWOR policies
Views sought to inform possible reforms

Solemn trial waiting times stay high as JP court falls
Latest SCTS figures show time lag remains despite higher throughput

Dundee Justice Hub to open next summer
Facility will support vulnerable witnesses across sheriffdom

New baseline needed for cases awaiting trial: Carloway
Lord President opens legal year, conceding no return to pre-Covid position

Police Ethics and Scrutiny Bill goes out to views
Evidence invited for MSPs' stage 1 report

More reform needed to help the vulnerable: Carloway
Lord Justice General highlights ongoing issues with practices and resources