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MSPs seek views on proposed Scottish aggregates tax
Stage 1 scrutiny begins for proposed tax and Revenue Scotland changes

Finance Committee hammers Circular Economy Bill
Report slates uncertainty and doubts ministers' commitment to affordability

Ministers set out path to ending fossil fuel heating
Consultation opens on purchasers having time limit to replace systems

Ecocide Bill proposed by Labour MSP
Monica Lennon consults on plan for new environmental crime in Scots law

Scottish ministers admit climate assessment failure
Legal action threat by Good Law Project forces promise of urgent work

Ministers propose legal targets for nature recovery
Biodiversity Framework paper sets out initial strategy

Ministers consult on final EPC reform proposals
Changes ahead for domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates

Circular Economy Bill aims to crackdown on waste
Strategy will place new duties on businesses and individuals

Call for views opens on Wildlife Management Bill
MSPs seek evidence on grouse moor licensing, use of traps and more

Bill introduced for wildlife and to control muirburn
New grouse moor licensing scheme aims to end raptor persecution

Land Commission consults on natural capital investment
Paper explores how communities can benefit from moves towards net zero

Councils need boost to reach net zero, MSPs report
Committee calls on Government to work on support and investment strategy

Zero emissions building proposals go out to views
Ministers consult on changing Building Regulations from April 2024

Single-use plastics ban in force from today
Scottish environment measure is first in UK

Circular Economy Bill plans set out in new consultation
Ministers seek ways to achieve more sustainable practices

Environment standards strategic plan goes out to views
New enforcement body consults on how it will fulfil its role

Commission calls for greater role for land taxation
Report sets out potential for supporting net zero and diverse ownership

Ministers consult on new environment guidance
Draft of guiding principles for authorities under new environment regime

COP26 must deal with human rights, Commissions warn
UK bodies warn of threat to enjoyment of basic rights

Ministers seek views on expanding onshore wind capacity
Consultation opens on policy to underpin further development

CMS offers COP26 insights hub
Free to access resource will be updated during conference

Ministers plan new style energy performance certificate
Consultation opens on relabelled and additional ratings

1m homes on low emissions heating by 2030: Scots target
Ministers consult on strategy for rapid conversion of properties