Legal news
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IBA revises Business and Human Rights guidance
Guidance for lawyers updated in line with UN General Principles

Brodies launches Middle East arm with Abu Dhabi base
Firm aims to support clients at local level

Moveable Transactions Bill passed at Holyrood
Unanimous support for bill to make business finance raising easier

Lindsays announces merger with Miller Hendry
Enlarged firm will have nearly 50 partners and 300 staff

Liquidation did not frustrate contract: Inner House
Court orders payment based on settlement agreement

Views sought ahead of Community Wealth Building Bill
Ministers consult on approach to developing "wellbeing economy"

Greig Honeyman joins accountancy firm in Edinburgh
Lawyer will advise senior staff at Douglas Home & Co

CMS and Fraser of Allander in push for economic growth
New report supports joint campaign to boost Scottish economy

MSPs invite views on Moveable Transactions Bill
Committee opens consultation on bill to improve business finance options

Reform of moveable transactions comes before Holyrood
Bill introduced to enact Scottish Law Commission proposals

Michael Flett joins MCM as Associate Director
Firm makes senior appointment after first year in business

Two senior appointments by MacRoberts
Jonathan Gaskell and Rod Hutchison join law firm

Profits rise for Shepherd and Wedderburn
Law firm reports a 13% increase to £25.3 million

Public boards law able to count trans people as women
Judge rejects challenge to Gender Representation Act

Faculty questions minimum pricing under UK market plans
Doubts whether public health measure could be part of UK Government scheme

UK internal market must respect devolution: MSPs
Finance Committee protests lack of consultation on white paper proposals

"Long road ahead" for Scots business recovery: survey
Addleshaw Goddard/Fraser of Allander report predicts reduced activity

Lawyer predicts post-COVID employee ownership boost
Changed staff mindset underpins business resilience: Roberts

Member's bill seeks to reform corporate homicide
Claire Baker's measure would allocate responsibility for fatalities

Inner House backs reviving of companies sued in Texas
Claim to pierce corporate veil not "merely shadowy"

Faculty calls for moveable transactions reform
Submission to Holyrood committee calls for easier regime for business

Ministers back down on Small Business Grant restriction
Multiple outlets to qualify for 75% of first outlet support

Virus helpline for Scottish business now live
Ministers launch COV-ID 19 business advice and guidance facility

MSPs inquire into SDI business expansion role
Committee seeks views on whether international development support working