Emma-Jayne Turner
Emma-Jayne manages the UKFIU’s Reporter Engagement Team. The Reporter Engagement Team works with reporters, regulators and supervisors across all sectors to provide guidance and feedback designed to highlight the importance of the suspicious activity reporting regime and improve the quality of SARs submitted in the UK. Emma-Jayne has a financial services background, having worked as a solicitor specialising in financial services and payments system regulation in New Zealand, and more recently as a programme manager in the UK charity sector specialising in financial education and professional development. Emma-Jayne has also recently completed a Masters in Economic Crime and Intelligence at the University of Portsmouth.
CPD & Training with Emma-Jayne Turner:
AML is a fundamental and unavoidable part of any lawyer’s day to day work, coupled with combating financial crime, these two aspects are essential for upholding the Scottish legal profession. This conference will provide you with vital knowledge on all things AML compliance and financial crime prevention.
Watch our speakers explore the newest developments in the AML and Financial Crime landscape. Take this opportunity to hear from experts in the field and gain some real practical tips and guidance from all things money laundering prevention to anti-money laundering compliance.