Lucy McDonald
Lucy McDonald is SafeLives’ Programme Lead in Scotland. With a background in psychology, Lucy began supporting children affected by domestic abuse, before moving into refuge and then settling into domestic abuse advocacy. She began working with SafeLives in 2006, supporting the development and delivery of numerous training and accreditation activities across the UK including IDVA, Marac and Leading Lights. She was heavily involved in implementing the DA Matters Scotland change programme with Police Scotland, Idaa training, as well as learning programmes for Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Wheatley Housing Group, NHS Health Scotland, the Caledonian Programme and a variety of teams and services across Scotland. She also oversees the Marac Development Programme and Whole Lives Scotland. Her expertise is in safe and effective responses to domestic abuse including risk identification, multi-agency collaboration and the whole family approach, and her passion is ensuring the authentic voice of those with lived experience of domestic abuse is central to all stages of the response.