Susan Williams
Susan has been a Best Practice Adviser with the SLCC since 2019. She qualified as a legal practitioner overseas, and her varied career has included in-house work, parliamentary research and oversight, legal education and extensive regulatory experience in different sectors.
CPD & Training with Susan Williams:

Watch a recording of our March 2021 Adults with Incapacity, Guardianship and Elder Client Conference.

Watch our In-house Best Practice Course 2022 On-demand. This course is specifically designed for those who have recently moved in-house in both the public and private sectors, and aims to support and guide new in-house solicitors or those going into a solo legal counsel role or a small in-house team.

Watch our speakers for latest updates and practical guidance on: AWI law and practice, guardianships and powers of attorney, and dealing with elderly clients.

Watch our speakers explore the latest updates and discuss the core challenges in various areas of wills, trusts and executries practice. Amongst the topics, you will hear about key legal and practice developments; improve your knowledge of trust and executry accounting do’s and don’ts and best practice guidance on how to deal with family business succession planning.

Watch our annual sole practitioner and high street firm conference returns to bring you a vital pool of information, delivered in an accessible manner to support you to stay abreast of current issues and benefit from insights on specialised practice points that are most relevant to the current work on your desk.

Watch our speakers for comprehensive guidance on the recent and upcoming legislative developments and how to prepare for shaping your practice in the coming years.