Equality and diversity research
Take a look at our key research including looking at the whole sector to assess change, looking at specific groups, like minority ethnic solicitors, or specific issues, like bullying.

Profile of the Profession
The Profile of the Profession is our major census of those working in Scotland’s legal sector. Conducted every five years, the results directly inform our policy work and how we support members. The latest survey ran in early 2023.

Diversity data 2022/23
Diversity data is collected every two years as part of the annual practising certificate renewal process, in order to better understand what the Scottish legal profession looks like, support and advance the Society's equality and diversity work, and measure progress. It offers a key insight into the make-up of the profession and was most recently collected in 2022/23.
Response to the Judicial Appointments Board Diversity Steering Group Report, November 2015
In November 2015 we published a series of recommendations in our paper responding to the Judicial Appointments Board Diversity Steering Group (DSG) report from its conference, 'Merit and Diversity - Compatible Aspirations in Judicial Appointments?'
Transgender experience case study, July 2015
Previous surveys of the legal profession in Scotland showed that transgender solicitors are a small but fairly consistent number (less than 1% of the total profession) over the past 8 years. Other than large scale quantitative surveys, which did attempt to capture the issues faced by transgender people within the profession, the Society had not, until now, conducted any research to consider the experiences and views of transgender legal professionals. This powerful case study offer insight into issues which may be of wider relevance.
Perceptions and impacts of working patterns within the legal profession Scotland, May 2015
In our main research we have consistently seen a structural difference in pay, progression and partnership progression based on various factors around patterns of work. We wanted to follow-up this statistical data with in-depth qualitative work to understand personal experiences and to look for solutions around this issue, with a particular additional focus on the impact of technology. This research brings together statistics from the main Profile research (below) and new telephone interview and focus group evidence.
Experiences of established professionals within the legal profession in Scotland, May 2015
In the first ten years of our equality work we had never looked at the views and concerns of more experienced members, and it was suggested by many in that group that we should. This In the first ten years of our equality work we had never looked at the views and concerns of more experienced members, and it was suggested by many in that group that we should. This research brings together statistics from the main Profile research (below) and new telephone interview and focus group evidence.
Fair access to the legal profession, January 2014
The Fair Access to the Legal Profession report is the culmination of six months of research into all elements of the route to qualification as a solicitor, from school careers advice to qualification into the solicitor profession and beyond.
Preventing Bullying and Harassment, July 2011
The Society has now published the report Preventing Bullying and Harassment in the Profession.
In addition guidance was developed to help individuals and employers prevent and tackle bullying within the profession. This has been reviewed and updated in 2017
This study builds on Profile of the Profession research, which reported that around 22% of the profession had experienced bullying or harassment. This research aims to increase the Society's understanding of bullying and harassment in the profession in order to develop strategies to help prevent and manage workplace bullying and harassment.
Researchers interviewed 15 solicitors from across the career spectrum, from trainee and newly qualified to partner level and includes case studies from private practice and in-house, about their experiences of being bullied.
The recommendations include:
- raising awareness of bullying and harassment across the profession
- developing policies, guidance and best practice
- increase trainee support
- supporting firms on building management skills
- ongoing monitoring and intervention
The new guidance along with the research findings will be issued to all firms in Scotland and the Society plans to hold a series of meetings and events for firms and HR managers to highlight how instances of bullying can be addressed effectively.
Solicitors of an ethnic minority background research, May 2011
The report is part of the Society's ongoing equality and diversity strategy and follows Profile of the Profession research in 2007, which suggested that despite increasing numbers of solicitors coming from an ethnic minority background, they were significantly less likely to be equity partners that their white colleagues.
The research focuses on the experiences of ethnic minority background solicitors in Scotland, with researchers conducting a series of in-depth interviews with 27 ethnic minority solicitors, rather than other groups at risk of discrimination. The 2011 report, while not directly comparable in terms of research methodology and number of respondents, gives some grounds for optimism with a shift from the 2007 findings, in which as many as 48% of those of an ethnic minority background felt they had been discriminated against at work.
Results of latest involvement work, 2008
The Law Society of Scotland wants to ensure that it continues to learn from solicitors, clients and the public in order to promote best practice in relation to equality and diversity. The Society commissioned Equality Works to undertake the work between August and October 2008 to inform the production of forthcoming guidance for solicitors on equality and diversity and to inform the development of a new three-year equality strategy. The report identifies successes, opportunities and challenges to the work, and makes recommendations which will inform our upcoming strategy.
Consultation on new complaints process, 2008
The Society invited Capability Scotland's Equality Unit to host a disability equality involvement event in June 2008.
The aim was to obtain the views of disabled people on the complaints system adopted with the creation of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission in October 2008.
Five disabled people with a range of impairments and conditions attended the event.
Service accessibility review, 2006
This project saw directors and staff from different departments engage with members of the public with a range of disabilities in order to assess how the Society can better meet their needs.
The project was managed for the Society by the Inclusion Development Partnership. Any organisation considering work in this field is welcome to contact the Society to discuss our positive experience of working with this dedicated team.
The women in the legal profession study, 2005
The Society and the Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland jointly commissioned this study into the position of women in the legal profession in Scotland because of the perception that women appeared to be obtaining proportionally fewer senior positions in practice or the public sector. There was very little recent empirical research into the accuracy of such perceptions.
The Society's thanks go to Moira MacMillan, Dr Nick McKerrell, Angus McFadyen and their supporting teams for their work on this project.