Constitutional law
Scottish Government Dual Mandates Consultation - March 2025
The Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill was passed on 17 December 2024. It places a duty on Scottish Ministers to bring forward regulations which prohibit MSPs from holding dual mandates as MPs or Peers, and potentially Councillors. This consultation seeks views on ending dual mandates.
Scotland’s Commissioner Landscape: A Strategic Approach- March 2024
The Scottish Parliament's Finance and Public Administration Committee launched an inquiry into Scotland's commissioner landscape.
- Read more about the inquiry on the Scottish Parliament website.
- Read our response to the call for views (March 2024).
Devolution Capability in Whitehall Inquiry - October 2023
The Committee will look to examine the Government’s progress on building devolution capability in central Government and to explore how well ministers and civil servants understand devolution arrangements, and the steps the Government is taking to embed consideration of every part of the UK in policymaking.
Membership of the House of Lords Inquiry - October 2023
This inquiry looks to examine the arrangements for appointments to the House of Lords, its size and composition and the effectiveness of its role in relation to the House of Commons.
Intergovernmental relations: 25 years since the Scotland Act 1998 - October 23
c2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the passing of the Scotland Act 1998.
To mark this milestone, the Committee is conducting an inquiry to examine how intergovernmental relations have developed since the establishment of the Scottish Executive and Parliament and how processes for managing intergovernmental relations evolved to respond to various political developments since 1999.The inquiry will also be considering how effectively the new intergovernmental relations framework has been operating, and has been implemented, since its introduction following in January 2022 following a review.
Hansard Society: Proposals for a New System for Delegated Legislation: Proposals for a New System for Delegated Legislation
The Hansard Society has been conducting a Delegated Legislation Review (DLR) since November 2021 with financial support from The Legal Education Foundation.The DLR draws on the Hansard Society’s unique record of research and data collection on delegated legislation at Westminster that now stretches back over a decade.
Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers - March 2023
The Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers will review the UK's public health legislative framework and institutional arrangements, alongside Government decision-making during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The aim is that the Independent Commission's findings and recommendations will help to inform planning for future public health emergencies.
Ministry of Justice Consultation on the Hague 2019 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters
The Hague Convention 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters is a multilateral Private International Law convention which establishes common rules to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments between Contracting States of the Convention: HCCH | Judgments Section.
Common frameworks inquiry - July 2022
The Scottish Parliament's Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee held a call for views on Common Frameworks.
- Find out more on the Scottish Parliament website
- Read our response
Environmental Common Frameworks - May 2022
The Scottish Parliament's Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee held a call for views on Environmental Common Frameworks.
- Find out more on the Scottish Parliament website
- Read our response
DEFRA common frameworks inquiry - April 2022
The UK Parliament's Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee sought views from interested individuals and organisations on the DEFRA Common Frameworks.
- Find out more on the UK Parliament website
- Read our response
Delegated Powers & Law Reform Committee Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Use of Made Affirmative Procedure - December 2021
The Scottish Parliament's Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee is considering how the made affirmative procedure has been used by the Scottish Government during the pandemic and has issued a call for views.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Government's website
- Read our response
UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021 Policy Statement and Annual Report - November 2021
The Scottish Parliament's Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee issued a call for views on the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021 Policy Statement and Annual Report.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Parliament's website
- Read our response
Revision of the Cabinet Manual - July 2021
The Constitution Committee in the House of Lords has published its report into the Revision of the Cabinet Manual.
- Read the 6th Session report.
House of Commons Committee of Privileges inquiry into select committee powers - June 2021
The Committee of Privileges has published its report Select committees and contempts: clarifying and strengthening powers to call for persons, papers and records. The report has been published as part of its inquiry into select committee powers.
- View the committee enquiry.
- Read our response.
House of Lords Constitutional Committee Inquiry into the Governance of the United Kingdom - May 2021
The Constitution Committee examines all public bills for constitutional implications and investigates broad constitutional issues.
- Read the consultation
- Read the Law Society response
Proposals for the reform of judicial review - April 2021
Following on from the conclusion of the independent review of administrative law, the Ministry of Justice has published a consultation on proposals for the reform of judicial review.
- Read the consultation
- Read the Law Society's response
Inquiry into revision of the Cabinet Manual - April 2021
The House of Lords Constitution Committee has launched an inquiry into how the Cabinet Manual should be used, and the revisions that would be required to make it more user-friendly.
- Read the terms of the inquiry
- Read the Law Society's response
Joint Committee Inquiry on the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act - January 2021
The Joint Committee on the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act has been appointed to carry out a review of the operation of the 2011 Act and make recommendations for the repeal or amendment of that Act as necessary.
The Independent Review of Administrative Law - September 2020
The Independent Review of Administrative Law (IRAL) was launched in July 2020 to consider options for reform to the process of Judicial Review
UK Internal Market White Paper - August 2020
In July this year, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma published a white paper on plans to legislate for a UK internal market to ensure that cross-border business can continue unimpeded within the UK once the many powers previously exercised at EU level are returned to the UK Government and devolved administrations. According to the white paper, these proposals will give devolved administrations “unprecedented regulatory freedom within new UK frameworks, allowing them to benefit from opportunities to innovate”.
- Read the white paper
- Read our response
The Scottish Parliament's Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee opened an UK Internal Markets Inquiry on 13 September 2021 to consider the implications of the UK internal market for Scotland including how devolution works.
- Read more about the inquiry on the Scottish Parliament's website
- Read our response to the call for views
Consultation by the Ministry of Justice on the Departure from Retained EU case law by UK Courts and Tribunals - July 2020
The Ministry of Justice launched a consultation on the Departure from Retained EU case law by UK Courts and Tribunals in July 2020.
- The Law Society's response - July 2020
Constitution Committee Inquiry into the Constitutional Implications of Covid-19 - July 2020
The Constitution Committee carried out an inquiry into the constitutional implications of Covid-19 in 2020.
- The Law Society's response (July 2020)
Scottish Affairs Select Committee Inquiry: Coronavirus and Scotland - June 2020
The Committee is inquiring into the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the four-nation approach, intergovernmental communication, scientific advice, policy divergence, and the impact of coronavirus on various sectors in Scotland.
- View the inquiry on the UK Government's website
- View our response
Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 - May 2020
The UK Parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee launched an inquiry into the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament's website
- Read our written submission
The Role of Parliament in the UK Constitution: The Scrutiny of International Treaties and other Agreements inquiry - October 2019
The UK Parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has issued an Inquiry into the Role of Parliament in the UK Constitution: The Scrutiny of International and Other Agreements.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (October 2019)
The progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal: role of Parliament inquiry - April 2019
The UK Parliament's Exiting the European Union Committee has issued an inquiry on the role of the parliament on the progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (April 2019)
Motion S5M-16554 on revoking Article 50 and its Legal Consequences - March 2019
Ahead of the Motion for debate in the Scottish Parliament tabled by Patrick Harvie MSP on revoking Article 50, we have issued comment on its legal consequences.
Draft European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Exit Day) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 - March 2019
We have issued comment on the Draft European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Exit Day) (Amendment) Regulations 2019.
Amendments to the Prime Minister's Motion on Section 13 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 - March 2019
Ahead of the debates on Motion 2 in the Prime Minister's name on Order Paper 274 on section 13 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 on 25 March 2019 we issued comment on the legislative consequences of the proposed amendments.
The effectiveness and influence of the select committee system inquiry - March 2019
The House of Commons Liaison Committee has launched an inquiry on the effectiveness and influence of the select committee system.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's reponse (March 2019)
Prisoner voting - March 2019
The Scottish Government has issued a consultation on a proposal for ensuring compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights on the matter of prisoners voting.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Government's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2019)
Human Rights Protections in International Agreements inquiry - January 2019
The UK Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights has issued an inquiry into whether parliament should set up a specific mechanism to scrutinise international agreements for compliance with human rights post-Brexit and what processes should be followed to ensure adequate scrutiny of compliance with human rights standards in international agreements.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (January 2019)
Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties - December 2018
The House of Lords Constitution Committee held an inquiry into Parliamentary scrutiny of treaties.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (issued December 2018)
The relationship between the UK and Scottish Governments inquiry - December 2018
The UK Parliament's Scottish Affairs Committee has issued an inquiry investigating the relationship between the UK and Scottish governments.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (December 2018)
Withdrawal Agreement Bill: call for evidence - November 2018
The House of Commons Procedure Committee has issued a call for evidence on the Withdrawal Agreement Bill.
- View the call for evidence on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (November 2018)
20 years of the Human Rights Act inquiry - September 2018
The UK Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights has issued an inquiry on 20 years of of the Human Rights Act.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (September 2018)
Legislating for the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union - September 2018
The UK Government has issued a White Paper on Legislating for the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union. The White Paper sets out how the Government will implement the final Withdrawal Agreement reached with the EU in UK law.
- View the White Paper on the GOV.UK website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (September 2018)
Common Frameworks - September 2018
The Scottish Parliament's Finance and Constitution Committee has issued an inquiry on common UK frameworks.
- View the inquiry on the Scottish Parliament's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (September 2018)
Legislative Process inquiry - July 2018
The House of Lords Constitution Committee has issued an inquiry into the legislative process to follow its 2004 report on Parliament and the Legislative Process.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (July 2018)
UK Trade Policy Transparency and Scrutiny Inquiry - June 2018
The UK Government's International Trade Committee has issued an inquiry into UK Trade Policy Transparency and Scrutiny:
- View the inquiry on the UK Government website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (June 2018)
Secondary legislation and the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - inquiry into the sifting criteria - June 2018
The House of Lords' Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee has issued a short inquiry investigating the criteria which should be applied in deciding whether a statutory instrument (SI) to be laid under clauses 7 to 9 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill should be upgraded from a negative to an affirmative procedure instrument.
- View the call for evidence on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (June 2018)
Review of investigative and scrutiny committees inquiry - April 2018
The House of Lords Liaison Committee has launched a wide-ranging review of investigative and scrutiny committees, the first full review in 25 years. The review aims to investigate issues such as how committees can add value to the scrutiny work of the House of Lords as a second chamber and what the strengths and weaknesses are of the current House of Lords committee structure and what should change.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (April 2018)
Providing a cross-border civil judicial cooperation framework - a future partnership paper - February 2018
The UK Government has issued a policy paper outlining the United Kingdom's position on cross-border civil judicial cooperation in the future partnership with the European Union.
- View the paper on the GOV.UK website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (February 2018)
Exiting the European Union: scrutiny of delegated legislation inquiry - February 2018
The House of Commons Procedure Committee has issued a further call for evidence seeking views on the operation of the proposed sifting committee to consider secondary legislation under the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (February 2018)
Brexit: Enforcement and Dispute Resolution Inquiry - January 2018
The House of Commons EU Justice Sub-Committee has issued an inquiry to consider enforcement and dispute resolution post-Brexit.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (January 2018)
Devolution and Exiting the EU - November 2017
The UK Parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has issued an inquiry on devolution and exiting the EU.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (November 2017)
Joint Select Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - November 2017
The UK Parliament's Joint Select Committee on Human Rights is currently scrutinising the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill.
- View the status of the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (November 2017)
Ongoing Union judicial and administrative proceedings - August 2017
The UK Government and the EU Commission have issued position papers with regards to judicial and administrative proceedings that are ongoing at the point of exit from the European Union.
- View the UK Government's paper on the GOV.UK website
- View the EU Commission's paper on the European Commission website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (August 2017)
Prisoner Voting - August 2017
The Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee have issued an inquiry on prisoner voting in Scotland.
- View the inquiry on the Scottish Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (August 2017)
Safeguarding the position of EU Citizens living in the UK and UK Nationals living in the EU - July 2017
The UK Government has issued a policy paper which sets out the government's offer for EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU on their rights and status after the UK leaves the EU.
- View the full paper on the GOV.UK website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (July 2017)
Debates on the Address - June 2017
The Constitutional Law Sub-Committee issued a briefing ahead of the Debates on the Address on 27 and 28 June 2017.
- The Law Society of Scotland's briefing (June 2017)
Legislating for the United Kingdom’s Withdrawal from the European Union - May 2017
The Great Repeal Bill White Paper sets out the government’s proposals for ensuring a functioning statute book once the UK has left the EU.
- View the White Paper on the GOV.UK website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (May 2017)
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Brexit and Devolution - April 2017
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry to investigate channels of meaningful engagement between the UK Government and the devolved administrations during negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the EU.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (April 2017)
Consultation on a Draft Referendum Bill - Jan-March 2017
The Scottish Government has published for consultation a draft Referendum bill in order that it is ready for introduction should the Scottish Government conclude that seeking the view of the Scottish people on independence is the best or only way to protect Scotland's interests in the wake of the EU referendum.
- View the consultation on the Scottish Government website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (January 2017)
- Read our comments sent to all MSPs ahead of the Scottish Government debate 'Scotland's Choice' on 21 March 2017.
- Read the Analysis of Responses which features the Society's response submitted in January 2017.
The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union White Paper - March 2017
On 17 January 2017 the Prime Minister set out the 12 principles which will guide the government in fulfilling the democratic will of the people of the United Kingdom. The UK Government's White Paper sets out the basis for these priorities and the approach to forging a new strategic partnership between the United Kingdom and the EU.
- View the paper on the GOV.UK website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2017)
Brexit: Devolution inquiry - March 2017
The House of Lords European Union Committee has issued an inquiry to consider the political and economic implications of Brexit for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the devolution settlement as a whole.
- View the inquiry on the UK Parliament website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (March 2017)
Commission on Parliamentary Reform: Call for written views - February 2017
The Commission on Parliamentary Reform has issued a call for written views on all three aspects of their remit, namely: how the Scottish Parliament engages with the people of Scotland; the identity of the Scottish Parliament, as distinct from the Scottish Government; and whether the right 'checks and balances' are in place to ensure effective parliamentary business.
- View the call for written views on the Commission's website
- The Law Society of Scotland's response (February 2017)
Human rights
Our responses to consultations in the area of human rights.
Constitutional Law and Human Rights Sub-Committee
Our expert group on constitutional law and human rights.
Our input to parliamentary bills
To help shape good law, we regularly provide responses and briefings related to bills from Holyrood and Westminster.