Law Society news

Cross-party report shows government wrong to try to politically control legal profession
A new report from a cross-party committee of MSPs has shown how Scottish Government plans to try and control the way the legal profession operates were wrong and risked undermining the rule of law.

Paying tribute to Professor Philip Love CBE
Our President Sheila Webster has offered her deepest condolences to family, friends and former colleagues of Professor Philip Love, CBE, who was president of the Law Society of Scotland in 1981-1982.

AML: Changes to domestic PEPs
Domestic politically exposed persons (PEPs) can now be considered inherently lower risk than non-domestic PEPs, following recent changes to money laundering regulations by the UK government.

HM Treasury money laundering advisory notice: High-risk third countries
HM Treasury has released an advisory notice amending the definition of High-Risk Third Countries (HRTC).

Nine solicitor advocates welcomed in third ceremony in a week
The Law Society of Scotland granted extended rights of audience to nine new solicitor advocates yesterday, joining the 16 who were introduced last week.

MSPs warned of unacceptable danger posed by juryless rape trials
Law Society President Sheila Webster has appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee to provide evidence on the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, alongside the Society’s Head of Research Alan McCreadie.

16 solicitor advocates celebrated in back-to-back ceremonies
The Law Society of Scotland has granted 16 new solicitor advocates extended rights of audience at back-to-back ceremonies at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.