Law Society news

AML SARs thematic review initial findings
Our anti-money laundering (AML) team has published the initial findings of its thematic review into suspicious activity reports (SARs), revealing positive procedures are in place across firms, but further support and guidance is needed on training and the threshold for suspicion.

New career heights reached for Law Society members
Congratulations are in order for 66 members of the Law Society of Scotland who have been recognised in their areas of practice.

New award to celebrate Scotland’s legal sector pioneers
The Society is launching a new award to celebrate legal pioneers within the sector as part of its 75th anniversary commemorations. Nominations for the Legal Pioneer Award are open to both solicitors and non-solicitors - past or present - who have made a significant contribution to Scotland’s legal sector.

Stepping out to support pro bono legal services
The Law Society and Faculty of Advocates have teamed up as joint national sponsors of the Legal Walks, organised annually by the Access to Justice Foundation to raise money to fund much-needed pro bono services.

New solicitors celebrated with summer admissions ceremony
Over 60 new Scottish solicitors were formally welcomed to the profession at an admissions ceremony held at the Signet Library, Edinburgh.

Comment on violence and threats to solicitors
The Society has commented on reports of threats to solicitor firms and advice agencies in England following the recent outbreaks of violence.

Nine solicitor advocates granted extended rights of audience
The Law Society of Scotland has granted extended rights of audience to nine solicitor advocates in a ceremony held at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

Fraud alert – emails impersonating solicitors
We've been alerted that Faculty of Advocates members have recently received a spate of scam emails from fraudsters pretending to be legitimate solicitor firms.