Law Society news
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Scottish Government guidance on moving home
The Scottish Government has issued guidance aimed at ensuring that moving home in Scotland can happen safely during the coronavirus outbreak.

Registers of Scotland digital submission service
We have updated our property guidance in light of the launch of Registers of Scotland's digital submission service, which will enable Scottish solicitors to submit scanned deeds for registration with effect from Monday 27 April 2020.

Property Law Committee update
Our Property Law Committee consider the law and practice around conveyancing and provide information and guidance where appropriate for the benefit of the Scottish legal profession. The committee has a keen understanding of the the ongoing challenges that property solicitors face in practice, deals with a variety of issues and is keen to highlight some of their recent work.

Cladding update December 2019
Following Grenfell, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) issued guidance, earlier this year, on the use of cladding on high rise buildings in England & Wales. Although not applicable in Scotland the information contained within it is relevant in Scotland and the Scottish Government references the guidance on its own website.