Law Society news

An update from the Rights of Audience working party
The Rights of Audience working party have drafted proposed amendments of Rule C4 of the Law Society of Scotland Practice Rules 2011 to facilitate an improved application process and better continuing quality assurance of Solicitor Advocates

Innocent bystander or co-conspirator?
Heather McKendrick, our Head of Careers and Outreach considers the blurred distinction between 'turning a blind eye' and being complicit to an incident and looks at how Street Law encourages lively debate and independent thought.

International Mentoring Day 2017
On International Mentoring Day, we are delighted to share blogs from three participants in our career mentoring scheme.

Law Reform round up November 2017
Our committees have been working on a number of Scottish Parliament and UK Parliamentary Bills and consultations including pre-recording evidence of child and other vulnerable witnesses and the future of financial regulation and supervision post-Brexit.

Law Society launches first massive open online course
The Law Society has been working with law firm Addleshaw Goddard and the UK Shipping Chamber to develop its first massive open online course.

The art of public communications
Ian Forsyth, one of our Public Communications Executives, blogs about the challenges of his role and how we can help you get the right clients through the door.

Finding the firm that's right for you
Chris Miller, due to start his traineeship at Brodies in 2019, discusses how to get to know the right firm for you.

Keeping your client out of prison - what is a criminal solicitor's role?
In his latest blog, John Brannigan delves into what working as a criminal defence solicitor is really all about.

A student’s perspective on ‘the greater good’
Dan McManus, student associate of the Law Society of Scotland, reviews his experience of our annual conference, Leading Legal Excellence: For the Greater Good.

Creating the in-house best practice course
Colin Anderson, Law Society of Scotland Council member, discusses the new best practice course for in-house lawyers and asks for your input for future CPD events.

GDPR – Personal data breaches and how to report them
Anna Drozd, policy adviser on professional issues at our Brussels Office, explains what personal data breaches are and how to report them under the GDPR.

Fancy a turn in the spotlight?
Ever fancied the chance to have a blog published? We're looking for some accredited paralegals and trainee accredited paralegals to write a shot blog.

Tender for external audit services
We are tendering for external audit services for the year ending 31 October 2018. The external audit tender covers five entities.

Four reasons you should check your grammar
Rob Marrs, Head of Education, tells us why getting your grammar correct is so important

Lack of adequate internet provision compounds challenges of living in rural Scotland
The Law Society of Scotland has said that aspects of the universal service obligation (USO) for broadband service providers mean it is unlikely to meet the needs of more remote rural communities in Scotland.

Law Society of Scotland CEO appointed as interim chair of HIAL
Law Society of Scotland chief executive Lorna Jack has been appointed interim chair of Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL).

Law reform round up October 2017
Our committees have been working on a number of Scottish Parliament and UK Parliamentary Bills and consultations including the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, Islands (Scotland) Bill and the potential impacts of Brexit on health and competition matters.

October 2017 Lawscot News
Our latest newsletter 'Lawscot News' for members is out now and jam-packed with the latest news and views and updates from the Law Society of Scotland.

Thinking about becoming an accredited specialist?
Solicitors who have held an unrestricted practising certificate for five years are now eligible to apply for specialist accreditation.

I need to find a solicitor!
We're launching a new advertising campaign later this month to promote the work of Scottish solicitors as trusted, regulated professionals and our newly improved Find a Solicitor search function.

My top 10 tips for a successful secondment
Emily Callaghan discusses secondments and how to get the most out of going on placement as part of your traineeship.

My transition from trainee to newly qualified solicitor
Lauren Findlay writes the first in a series of blog posts about her experience as an NQ with Glasgow City Council.

Scottish solicitor struck off
Following an investigation by the Law Society of Scotland, the Scottish Solicitors’ Discipline Tribunal (SSDT) has found former solicitor advocate, Michael McSherry, guilty of professional misconduct in the course of his work at Paisley firm, SBM Law and struck him from the Roll of Solicitors.