Law Society news

Continuing to lead legal excellence in challenging times
We have today published our new strategy setting out our plan to sustain and evolve the Law Society and the Scottish legal profession over the next two years.

Law Society of Scotland calls for action to reform crofting law
We have published recommendations in relation to the law of crofting and urged the Scottish Government to take prompt action to reform the law.

Law Society opposes plans for economic crime levy on solicitors
The Society has opposed proposals to introduce a UK-wide anti-money laundering levy on solicitors.

Public policy highlights September 2020
The Society’s policy committees analyse and respond to proposed changes in the law. Key areas of work in September include a particular focus on Covid-19 and trade.

AML Certificate results 2019
Our Anti-Money Laundering Risk Manager, Fraser Sinclair provides an update on the key insights and analysis from the data you provided in this year's AML Certificate.

Human rights lawyer appointed to Law Society Council
The co-founder of a human rights and equality charity is the first to be appointed to a brand new seat on the Law Society of Scotland Council to represent third sector solicitors. Kirsty Thomson, partner and director of JustRight Scotland, will take up the new role when she joins the Society’s Council next month. Her appointment was confirmed today, Friday 16 October.

Menopause resource launched to support Scottish legal profession
The Law Society of Scotland, in partnership with Peppy Health, has launched a comprehensive menopause support resource, designed to help individuals and firms access the support that they need.

Change of responsibility for intimation of defence petitions
There will be a change in responsibility for intimation of defence petitions to recover sensitive records in sheriff court criminal proceedings from Monday 12 October 2020.

Senior lawyers to Pass the Badge on World Mental Health Day
A group of senior figures from Scotland’s legal profession are to ‘Pass the Badge’ to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

Law Society publishes new guide on setting up in-house
The Society has published a helpful new guide on setting up an in-house team for the first time in an organisation

Will Aid 2020
Will Aid is a national will-writing campaign that takes place every November and is designed to enforce the need for a professionally written will, but it needs your help. Andrew Robertson, Managing Director of McClure Solicitors, explains why they take part in the campaign and why you should too.

RBS solicitor named as In-house Rising Star Award Winner 2020
RBS solicitor Marliese Perks has been named Law Society of Scotland In-house Rising Star Award winner for 2020.

Law Society condemns inflammatory language
The Law Society of Scotland has condemned the use of dismissive references to the legal profession as “lefty lawyers."

Fraudulent email alert
Perhaps now, more than ever, the Scottish legal profession needs to be on its guard against scams and fraudulent attacks. As our collective efforts are concentrated on recovering from the effects of the pandemic, fraudsters are making the most of the distraction.