Law Society news

Law Society President speaks out about critical language
Following comments about lawyers made in a national broadcast interview this week by the Prime Minister, Law Society President Ken Dalling has spoken out about the importance of respecting the role legal professionals play in civil society.

Legal Aid Payment Review Panel report
The Society's Legal Aid Committee Co-convener, Ian Moir, comments on a report from the Legal Aid Payment Review Panel published this month

Comment on reforming the criminal justice system
The Society's President Ken Dalling, responds to Scotland’s Justice Secretary Keith Brown’s comments on potential reform of the criminal justice system.

UK-Australia trade deal: A welcome step towards greater collaborative engagement
The UK-Australia free trade Agreement in Principle offers an insight into the commitments made on legal and wider professional services provision, including recognition of qualifications, mobility and market access.

Comment on Scottish Government consultation analysis on reforming legal complaints
The Society's President Ken Dalling comments following the publication of the analysis of the Scottish Government consultation on proposals to improve the current complaints system.

Court business plan in level 0
Law Society President, Ken Dalling, responds to the Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service's briefing on court business once Scotland moves into level 0.

Diversity data offers most complete picture of profession yet
Diversity data collected for the first time as part of the annual Practising Certificate renewal process offers a valuable insight into today’s Scottish legal profession.