Law Society news

Solicitor Accounts Rules consultation launched
The Law Society of Scotland is seeking law firm cashroom managers'/solicitors’ views on proposals to update its current Accounts Rules.
The proposed changes aim to modernise the rules and where possible, simplify requirements placed on members while ensuring continued high professional standards and robust protection for the public.

Scottish Government must address unregulated deprivations of liberty
The Scottish Government’s continued failure to ensure deprivations of liberty are appropriately regulated must be addressed as a matter of priority, according to the Law Society of Scotland.

Law Society highlight deep concerns in responses to Scottish Government's Not Proven Consultation
Stuart Munro, Convener of the Law Society of Scotland’s Criminal Law Committee has responded to the Scottish Government's publication and analysis of responses to its Not Proven Consultation and highlighted some deep concerns from those with the greatest understanding of our justice system.

HM Treasury approval for AML guidance for the legal sector
HM Treasury has approved updated anti-money laundering guidance developed by the Legal Sector Affinity Group

New report demonstrates consensus on the need to reform legal services regulation in Scotland
The Scottish Government has published its analysis of responses to its recent consultation on reforming the regulation of legal services. We welcome the high level of agreement from respondents on improving regulatory processes.

New solicitor advocates introduced
Eight new solicitor advocates granted extended rights of audience by our Council have been introduced to the Court at a ceremony at Parliament House.

Summer school gives legal inspiration to less-advantaged pupils
Nearly 100 less-advantaged pupils have shown their ambition to join the legal profession by attending a four-day virtual summer school hosted by the Society.

Law Society responds to offer on legal aid
Law Society President Murray Etherington has responded to an announcement from the Scottish Government on legal aid, saying the funding offer falls far short of the investment the Society has argued for and believes is necessary to retain solicitors in the legal aid system to ensure access to justice for all.

Law Society responds to offer on legal aid (1)
Law Society President Murray Etherington has responded to an announcement from the Scottish Government on legal aid, saying the funding offer falls far short of the investment the Society has argued for and believes is necessary to retain solicitors in the legal aid system to ensure access to justice for all.