Ally Thomson
Ally is a former law firm partner and is now a non-practising Scottish lawyer who has worked in tech and online projects since 2005. He is the Senior Tutor of the "Introduction to the Legal Innovation and Technology" course on the Diploma in Legal Practice at the University of Glasgow. He is a former member of the Law Society of Scotland's Technology Law and Practice Committee. Ally is the founder of Hey Legal, which provides learning and insight for lawyers, and is a member of the Lawscot Tech community. He leads a session in TCPD Module 1 on Legal Technology.
CPD & Training with Ally Thomson:

Online 15-minute CPD micro-lessons for all lawyers to improve their knowledge of legal technology.

Live online
Join us over the course of two mornings for the first in our series of 2025 conferences on family law matters.

Online 15-minute micro-lessons to help busy lawyers win new clients online.

Watch our speakers explore the latest updates and discuss the core challenges in various areas of wills, trusts and executries practice. Amongst the topics, you will hear about key legal and practice developments; improve your knowledge of trust and executry accounting do’s and don’ts and best practice guidance on how to deal with family business succession planning.

Live online
By becoming a Tech-Informed Lawyer you will be equipped with the key skills and knowledge to better navigate technology in a rapidly changing business world.

AML is a fundamental and unavoidable part of any lawyer’s day to day work, coupled with combating financial crime, these two aspects are essential for upholding the Scottish legal profession. This conference will provide you with vital knowledge on all things AML compliance and financial crime prevention.

Watch our speakers for a comprehensive dive into key legal updates, gain strategic insight and hear practical debate on issues relating to personal injury facilitated by leading counsel.

Watch our annual Wills, Trusts and Executries Conference, where we bring together experts in the field to explore the latest insights shaping the landscape of estate planning and executries.

Watch our Legal Tech Conference 2024. Learn from experts in the field about the latest developments and trends in legal technology with a view to enhancing how you and your organisation adapt to today's technological landscape. From AI to assessing risk, there will be relevant content for both private practice and in-house practitioners.