Law Society news

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
Explore our week-long events programme during Mental Health Awareness Week 2020, May 18-22. We're hosting a free, virtual event every day, in collaboration with Clio.

Derek Ogg QC
Tribute to Derek Ogg QC who sadly passed away on Friday 1 May 2020.

Supporting the profession during the Coronavirus outbreak
We highlight some of the the support and guidance available to our members during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Public policy highlights
Our policy committees have had a busy month analysing and responding to proposed changes in the law to positively influence the creation of a fairer and more just society.

AML Registration Requirements during the Covid-19 crisis
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Disclosure Scotland service is currently only processing applications for people working on sectors deemed vital at this time. HM Treasury are content that, on a temporary basis, firms or new sole practitioners can provide a statutory declaration that the BOOM(s) does not have a relevant criminal conviction as part of the application.

£2.2 million package of financial support for Scottish solicitors
The Law Society of Scotland has announced an "unprecedented" package of financial support for members in recognition of the critical situation which faces individuals and firms.

SLCC budget ‘tone-deaf’ to the financial crisis facing the legal profession
The SLCC has laid its final budget for 2020/21 before the Scottish Parliament, increasing the levy which must be paid by every practising solicitor by 3.5% and making no recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on the profession.

Registers of Scotland digital submission service
We have updated our property guidance in light of the launch of Registers of Scotland's digital submission service, which will enable Scottish solicitors to submit scanned deeds for registration with effect from Monday 27 April 2020.

Gradual extension of court business is positive development for access to justice
The staggered reopening of the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (SCTS) for civil business will have a positive impact on access to justice for the vulnerable families, individuals and businesses served by the Scottish legal profession, according to the Law Society of Scotland.

Newest legal technology specialist accredited by the Law Society
Legal technology specialist Andre Boyle has been awarded Accredited Legal Technologist status by the Law Society of Scotland.

Update on civil business
Our chief executive, Lorna Jack, has now written to the Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service with feedback on their urgent civil business protocol gathered from members of our Civil Justice Committee.

Jury trials should continue with safety measures in place
Feedback from a working group led by the Law Society has been submitted to the Scottish Government in response to their discussion paper on options for criminal jury trials during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Preventing money laundering during Covid-19
The UK Legal Sector Affinity Group has published an advisory note for legal practitioners to prevent money laundering or terrorist financing going through law firms during the Covid-19 crisis.

Welcome for civil business progress
President John Mulholland has welcomed the Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service's invitation for the Law Society to comment on a protocol for civil business during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Opportunities now open to join Law Society Council
The annual elections to the Law Society’s Council are to go ahead, and Scottish solicitors across the country are being invited to stand for nomination. There are eleven seats available across four constituencies.

UK Law Societies make joint approach to UK Chancellor on Covid-19
The Society has joined with the Law Society of England and Wales and the Law Society of Northern Ireland to make a unified and direct approach to the UK Chancellor.

Could you benefit from our mentoring programme?
During the the coronavirus outbreak support and advice can even more important and appreciated. We are encouraging our members to get involved in our mentoring programme as a mentor or a mentee.

Scottish business community calls for clarity, consistency and cooperation in Covid-19 response
The Society has joined a number of organisations within Scotland's business community to call for clarity, consistency and cooperation in Covid-19 response.

Public policy highlights
Our policy committees have had a busy month analysing and responding to proposed changes in the law to positively influence the creation of a fairer and more just society.

Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill
The case for allowing the most serious criminal trials to be heard without a jury has not yet been made, warns the Law Society of Scotland commenting on the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill. This page has been updated to welcome the news that the Scottish Government will withdraw this element of the Bill.

Guidance to enable RoS interim measures
UK Finance has confirmed that most major lenders are in agreement with Law Society guidance in support of RoS interim measures to allow some urgent transactions to settle following the closure of the Applications Record of the Land Register of Scotland.

Statement on efforts to produce guidance for property sales
Guidance has now been agreed and published to enable interim measures introduced by Registers of Scotland to allow some urgent property transactions to settle this week. Ahead of that guidance Law Society President John Mulholland talked about the work which went into preparing it.

Stakeholder talks following suspension of the Applications Record
Following the Prime Minister's statement on Monday 23, Registers of Scotland suspended the Applications Record of the Land Register which means that they are no longer accepting applications for registration of titles. The Law Society is in talks with RoS to scope out possible ways forward.