Blogs & opinions
You are currently filtering for: property-non-commercial

Letter: Repossessions: bad practice
Why are lenders so unrealistic when selling a repossessed property?

A complete Land Register?
A case study of the kind of obstacles that lie in the way

Title insurance – the solution?
Why not make more use of title insurance in resolving minor property-related matters?

Letter: Quit the bucket shop
Time to cut conveyancing risks, by charging a proper fee for a proper service

Letter: conveyancing delays
No one's interests are served, especially the client's, by selling solicitors delaying in ordering up titles

Helpful exchange?
Lenders Exchange costs discriminate against sole practitioners

Letter: RoS wants to engage
This is your chance to help shape the 2012 Act in practice

Where now for conveyancing?
Sep rep has been defeated; what do we do now?

Sep rep: it still needs to be "No"
Why the SGM should reject the proposal now and look for other improvements to the system

The case for sep rep: the conflict of interest is real
Why the profession should avoid the risk of conflicts arising in what is a pressured situation

Sep rep: where is the conflict?
McVey & Murricane survey of top conveyancing firms finds little evidence of conflict of interest

Letter: Burdens we take on
A conveyancer's gripe over ARTL reporting, RoS branding and liabilities of the profession - and a suggestion in relation to separate representation

Letter: Conveyancing by anecdote
Are transactions being unnecessarily held up by defensive practices?

Letter: Lenders’ changes – a step too far
The nonsense of HSBC attempting to apply English law

Letter: Food for thought
Some comments on articles in the March 2013 Journal

Look first
Are we going out on a limb on sep rep?

Letter: Limited title
Comment on a new book on the Lands Tribunal for Scotland

Letter: Time to stop the title raiders
Extend the jurisdiction of the Lands Tribunal to prevent ransom demands

Letter: Standard clauses
Standard missives are commendable, but the effect of some clauses is open to question

Letter: No, we have not forgiven
Comment on Professor Lorne Crerar's involvement in bringing in home reports

Letter: ARTL (again!)
Plea to Society to recommend against using ARTL until improved

Letter: Predictive/anticipatory conveyancing
Foresee your client's moves or face charges from the Registers

Letter: Can we rely on the Registers?
Keeper's error put at risk our place on a lender's panel

Mortgages: raising the stakes
Time for a full review of professional regulation as respects lender panels