Blogs & opinions
You are currently filtering for: government-administration

Journal editorial March 2023
The UK Government is regrettably showing disregard for lawyers and the rule of law through its Illegal Migration Bill and rhetoric with it

Journal editorial November 2022
The squeeze on public spending is likely to mean difficult times ahead for the justice budget, with potential impact on the profession

Journal editorial June 2022: The big freeze
The announced freeze on spending in the justice sector will worsen the existing crisis, and something will have to give

Journal editorial October 2020
Sadly, it is necessary to speak out loudly and clearly for the profession and the rule of law and against a Government that poses a threat to both

Journal editorial June 2020
Recent behaviour by Government has not encouraged respect for the rule of law, and a very different approach is needed to build future trust

A turbulent Christmas
Depressing divisions and a lack of clear thinking dominate the Brexit scene. But (stop press) there is something positive in the official reaction to the legal aid review

Programme for action?
How much can we expect to happen through the Scottish Government's Programme for Government?

PVG disclosure scheme to be streamlined
Consultation on simplified system closes shortly

GDPR alert for social landlords
Compliance duties extend beyond tenants and employees

Islands Bill to give local say in coastal waters projects
Policy making to have regard to special needs of island communities

Art of the possible
This is a time for our Governments to be realistic in their expectations – and for lawyers to flag up where plans may disrupt the smooth running of international agreements

Test of legality
The Supreme Court's "named person" decision points up the need for thorough scrutiny of Scottish Parliament legislation

Where policy meets statute: court backs minister
Affordable housing case also covers consultation and equality duty

Procurement decision rejects lack of transparency claim
Ferry tender process did not require demand benchmarking

Power and accountability
New Parliament should bring a new approach to the Holyrood committee system

The limits of sovereignty
Would it actually be desirable for Parliament to be unfettered, as Human Rights Act opponents presuppose?

The lottery of power
Power politics and the general election

Govern with humanity
All parties at the forthcoming election should be called on to recognise the human impact of their policies

A testing new year
Basic legal rights look likely to come under challenge in 2015

Still arguing
The Society has managed to become a calling place for leading politicians, as devolution arguments continue

Dissolving the Union
Comment on "Scotland's Constitutional Future 2" and Scotland's status

People's choice
Does the draft interim constitution embody that the people are "sovereign"?

Still talking; little new
Cabinet Secretary's familiar messages to Council

Letter: "Issues for the Union"
Independence would mean dissolving all parts of the United Kingdom