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EU citizens and Brexit: a Government guide
Toolkit sets out rights if Withdrawal Agreement takes effect

A turbulent Christmas
Depressing divisions and a lack of clear thinking dominate the Brexit scene. But (stop press) there is something positive in the official reaction to the legal aid review

No deal, no say?
The arguments for a second EU referendum apply with greater force in a "no deal" scenario

Brexit and the legal order
Government recognition of the need to continue civil judicial cooperation with EU countries after Brexit is welcome, but how can it exclude the involvement of the CJEU?

Bringing the world to "world-class"
Sarah Sutton, digital communications executive at the Law Society of Scotland, talks about her bright idea to ensure international representation on the Society’s Council

The EU, working time and holiday pay
Further material is available to help with applying the directive

Art of the possible
This is a time for our Governments to be realistic in their expectations – and for lawyers to flag up where plans may disrupt the smooth running of international agreements

EU nationals retain rights to remain, Government confirms
No change until Brexit process completed; some will keep rights

Letter: bons mots
Brexit: what now, indeed?

Majority view?
The right course democratically would be to hold a second referendum on EU withdrawal once the terms on which it would take place are known

"Easter 2016"
A Brussels lawyer's plea on how to achieve peace and tolerance in the wake of the terrorist attacks

Looking forwards
Comments on the EU referendum, and the Society's member survey; and on the possible benefits from the Society's new offices

Happy birthday, Brussels
As the Society's Brussels office marks its 25th anniversary, Sarah Sutton looks at what it does and how it serves the profession

Neuberger speech: where is the "offence"?
President took no position on whether British is better

Effect of the Akzo judgment
"Premature to legislate" on ABS pending Supreme Court judgment in Prudential tax appeal