Blogs & opinions

Crunch turns the tables
No recovery until lenders get their act together

Can we legislate to keep people out of jail?
How far can the Scottish Government go beyond what is already the law?

Legal aid savings should be reinvested
Readers of the Scottish Legal Aid Board's annual report should look beyond the headline figures

Quiet life at 60
UN Declaration anniversary has been surprisingly low key

Trust thy neighbour
What will be the safeguards against abuse of the relaxed planning regime for domestic alterations?

High Street Conference feedback
Event to boost smaller firms provided a "positive view of the future"

Not all gloom on the high street
Conference hears of ways to create opportunities in recession

Offers over: the devil we know
Would it be a good thing if home reports saw their demise?

Newly-qualifieds are cause for confidence
Sense of optimism at largest Admissions Ceremony of recent times

Be reserved with reserved powers
Governments should look beyond strict powers in making devolution work

Mind mapping the profession
Enterprise Minister comes up with a new way to identify business solutions

Smoking out an overreaction
Is it right - and legal - to ban smokers from adopting or fostering young children?

Recovery begins at home – but abroad is relevant too
Reply to comment on "Our business future" post

Obama and the rule of law
Will the new President prove more sensitive to human rights and international obligations?

Hard times on the high street
The conference on 29 November aims to share ideas on dealing with the economic situation

How far CPD?
Education and training consultation will propose how to improve quality

Sauce for the gander?
What is the consumer view of a ban on commercial medical practices?

Surveillance without frontiers?
Phone and email database proposals surely go too far

Votes in it?
Surely no advantage in electing our prosecutors

Our business future
Now is the time to position the profession to take advantage of a future business upturn

Off-licence: off limits?
Barring off-licence sales to under-21s: is there a better way?

Introducing the Journal editor's blog