Blogs & opinions
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OPG fees rise; jurisdiction check added to registration forms
1 April sees most fees go up with inflation

OPG updates: bonds of caution; revised PoAs
New improved bond facility through arrangement with Marsh

Updates from the Office of the Public Guardian
New Public Guardian; Professional Guardians Scheme update

Office of the Public Guardian updates
Professional guardian applications invited; new EPOAR declaration

Commissary and OPG fees about to rise
Inflation increases in force from 25 April

Facility and circumvention: a high bar
More clients are looking to challenge wills, but it isn't easy

Access to Funds: don't overlook the option
Scheme an alternative to guardianship in simpler cases

PoAs: reasons needed for expediting registration!
Granter being elderly or frail not enough for priority

Changes in policy and practice at the OPG
EPOAR, Schedule 1 certificates and registration fees roundup

OPG introduces Professional Guardian Scheme
Tailored accounts supervision offered for approved firms

OPG cuts out the paper
Deeds registered electronically will only be issued electronically

Letter: Capacity - on the ball?
Check that your expert knows the differences between English and Scots law

OPG service frustrations
Time for official representations to try and improve the situation