Blogs & opinions

Letter: an annual plan for Scots law?
The Society's annual plan should include projects to enhance Scots law and its relevance to Scotland's people

A turbulent Christmas
Depressing divisions and a lack of clear thinking dominate the Brexit scene. But (stop press) there is something positive in the official reaction to the legal aid review

Intention at purchase key to matrimonial property dispute
Wife shows how to use s 9 principles to win capital sum

Sheriff wrong to decide case when proof part heard
Having ordered a proof and heard some evidence, it had to conclude

Pension subject to Dutch law left out of account
Contingent interest in share scheme counted once value known

Bar for permanence applications not quite so high
Sheriff held to have placed too great an onus on council

Permanence order decisions failed to take holistic approach
Inner House allows council appeal in interests of child's welfare

Letter: protest at letting agent regime
An objection to the information being required of already regulated solicitors under the new mandatory scheme

Letter: difference in principle
Yes, Scots law differs from English in being based on principle

Put to the test
The Society's position as regulator will come under renewed scrutiny following the Roberton report, but the report itself should equally be subjected to proper scrutiny

HMRC investigating more estates for IHT underpayment
Residential property valuations most likely to be queried

Widowed parent's allowance should not depend on marriage: UKSC
Rule excluding cohabitants contrary to Human Rights Convention

Holiday lets: IHT relief after all?
Tribunal accepts case based on activities and services provided

Guidance on declarations in applications for confirmation
SCTS states when marriage/civil partnership declaration not needed

Updates from the Office of the Public Guardian
New Public Guardian; Professional Guardians Scheme update

Stand up to the “invasion”
Support for a campaign to see Scots law in Scottish contracts

Under siege
After the extra money announced for prosecutors and then the police, something has to be done now for the defence sector

Campaign for Scots law in contracts
Society should lead push for Scots consumers to have choice

Programme for action?
How much can we expect to happen through the Scottish Government's Programme for Government?

Belief in independence protected under Equality Act 2010
Judge allows discrimination claim by SNP councillor to go ahead

When 10 discrimination allegations are not enough
Judge wrong to require claimant to select 10 allegations from claim

National minimum wage not payable for full sleepover shifts
Court of Appeal rules rate only due for time actually worked

Tribunal bound to deal with alleged discipline disparity
Case to be reheard following failure to make findings or analysis

Company barred from defending should have been heard on award
Court of Appeal also limits costs payable by respondent