Have your say on our 2026 election priorities
John Mulholland is a Scottish solicitor, Past President of the Law Society of Scotland and Convener of our Public Policy Committee
As the world reflects on the results of the 60th American Presidential election, closer to home election fever is some way off - the next Scottish Parliament election is expected in May 2026.
That said, the Policy team here at the Society has already started work to identify the key asks we will make of the future Scottish Government and political parties.
As the professional body for Scottish solicitors, we actively engage with the Scottish and United Kingdom governments, parliaments and wider stakeholders to influence the creation of a fairer and more just society and help shape good law.
It is crucial that we represent the interests of Scottish solicitors and your clients in this work and to that end we are reaching out to our members to help us identify the key asks we will make of the future Scottish Government and political parties.
We want to hear about the issues facing our members and your views on the best way forward for access to justice, running a business, legislative reform and the justice system as a whole.
If you are a Scottish solicitor or trainee solicitor, please check your inbox for the link to complete our very short survey. It shouldn't take any more than ten minutes of your time and your responses will be completely anonymous.
If you haven’t received the email, please drop us a line at policy@lawscot.org.uk and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
The closing date to respond is 12 noon 28 November.

Law Society urges Scottish MPs to champion the rule of law and access to justice
The Law Society of Scotland has written to all Scottish MPs elected in last week's UK General Election urging them to respect and champion the rule of law and access to justice.

Our priorities for the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections

Influencing the law and policy
One of the main functions of our policy team, along with our network of volunteers, is to analyse and respond to proposed changes in the law.