Law Society news

Society comments on law firm Morisons LLP entering administration
The Society has commented on the announcement that Morisons LLP has gone into administration

New anti-money laundering committee
A brand new regulatory anti-money laundering (AML) sub committee is being set up to ensure that the Law Society can meet its increasing statutory obligations as a responsible and effective AML regulator.

Time to recharge debate around administrative justice
Our President Alison Atack has called for a recharge in the debate around administrative justice at a stakeholder event, Shaping the Future of Administrative Justice in Scotland; Where do we go from here? held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 27 March.

Opportunities to join Law Society Council now open
Scottish solicitors from both the east and west coasts are being invited to stand for nomination to the Law Society of Scotland’s Council.

Celebrating in-house rising stars
Do you know an in-house legal star? Nominations for the 2019 In-house Rising Star Award are now open.

What’s the latest with Scotland’s Land Information Service?
Calum Shepherd, Service Owner for Scotland’s Land Information Service (ScotLIS) at Registers of Scotland (RoS), keeps us up to date with the latest developments on the service.

Develop your career with a mentor
The team behind PLD, who provide our mentoring platform software, explain the many benefits of being a mentee when you're trying to meet a professional goal, and why you should consider signing up to our career development mentoring scheme.

Design thinking - how to make it work for you
As the popularity of design thinking in business gathers momentum Craig Allan, Legal Counsel in the Outsourcing, Technology & IP legal team at RBS, discusses what it means and how it can be applied to legal services.

Review of mental health law a step in the right direction
We welcome the Ministerial announcement of an independent review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

Road traffic accident referral scheme
One of our solicitor members has reported being the subject of a scam, involving a road traffic accident referral arrangement in the hope that other Scottish solicitors will not fall foul of the same or similar fraud.

Why you should choose Street Law
Neil Brannigan, a second-year law student at the University of Stirling explains why Street Law is a fantastic outreach opportunity to become involved with while studying law.

58 new solicitors welcomed to profession
Our first Admissions Ceremony of the year took place at the Signet Library in Edinburgh this morning with 58 new solicitors being admitted to the profession.

Top 5 FAQs for those considering mentoring
Here are some of the key questions our panel received from a recent information session for prospective mentors.

Client email hacking scam
We have been made aware of a current wave of fraudulent client emails requesting change of bank details. Scottish solicitors, paralegals and cash room staff should be on alert.

Proposed SLCC budget risks increased costs for consumers
We have criticised the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission's plans for a third consecutive above-inflation levy on solicitors which risks rising costs for legal services consumers.

Accredited Paralegal blog: March 2019
Janet Rieu-Clarke, our Accredited Paralegal has been out and about this week, meeting Accredited Paralegals, solicitors and paralegals who are not accredited... Yet! She's had her pic taken for the First 100 Years project, shares some great news in numbers and invites you to get involved and share your own stories.

Minimising risks in a high risk area
The legal sector’s provision of Trust or Company services as an inherently high risk area of business and one which will provide the focus for our next phase of AML supervisory activity.

International Women’s Day 2019 President’s Speech
International Women’s Day 2019 President’s speech delivered at the President’s Annual Dinner in Edinburgh, by our President, Alison Atack.

Majority of solicitors say Law Society should continue to regulate the profession
93% of respondents in our Annual Members' Survey agree that the Law Society should continue to be responsible for representation, support and regulation of solicitors in Scotland, according to independent research by Mark Diffley Consultancy and Research and Survation.

Law students! Win Scottish Parliament work experience and £500 cash
If you’re a Diploma student, or an LLB student in your final or penultimate year, this is your chance to win three weeks’ paid work experience in the Office of the Solicitor to the Scottish Parliament as well as a £500 cash prize.

Public policy highlights
Our policy committees have had a busy month analysing and responding to proposed changes in the law to positively influence the creation of a fairer and more just society.

Establishing legal aid fee review panel a positive step
The conveners of the Law Society’s legal aid committees are among members of the Scottish Government’s Legal Aid Payment Framework Review Panel, announced today.

Email scam
We have been informed of scam emails sent to law firms and claiming to be from a client in connection with the purchase of a property.

First female solicitor appointed Dean of Greenock Faculty of Procurators
Law Society president Alison Atack congratulates Jill Carrick, the first woman to be appointed Dean of the Faculty of Procurators in Greenock