Law Society news

New president for Law Society
Falkirk-based solicitor John Mulholland is the new President of the Law Society

Dame Elish Angiolini awarded honorary membership
Dame Elish Angiolini has been awarded Honorary Membership of the Law Society in its 70th year

Zambian law leader chooses Scotland for executive internship
A leading figure from a law association in Africa has chosen Scotland and its Law Society for a three-week executive internship in Scotland to learn lessons on how to build capacity in his home country.

Council election rounds sees new and familiar faces and co-conveners elected to the In-house Lawyers Committee
One brand new member and four familiar faces have been elected by their peers to join the Law Society of Scotland’s Council, in the latest round of contested elections.

SSDT consultation: standard of proof
The Scottish Solicitors’ Discipline Tribunal (SSDT) is consulting on the standard of proof which it applies in professional misconduct cases.

Giuseppe Pia: Decoding legal tech
Giuseppe Pia, trainee at Burness Paull, is the first person to undertake a legal tech seat at the firm; a dual role with the Tech & Commercial team and the firm’s innovation manager. Over the course of three blogs, Giuseppe will de-code the hot topic of legal tech and explain what he’s learning about this growing area of legal service.

Greater publicity required on importance of making a will
In our response to a Scottish Government consultation, we have stressed the importance of making a will and keeping it updated.

Law Society launches first sector-wide survey on mental health
We are urging everyone working in Scotland’s legal sector to take part in a new survey on mental health in the workplace.

Law Society tribute to Dr Iain Macmillan CBE
The Law Society of Scotland has paid tribute to its former President Iain MacMillan CBE, who passed away on 8 May 2019.

Loss of EU environmental governance could see drop in current protections in UK post-Brexit
We have called for current environmental protections to remain intact after the UK leaves the European Union.

How to get a more diverse group of people applying to your organisation
Rob Marrs, our Head of Education, talks about the recent roundtable we hosted for people from a black, Asian and minority ethnic background, and explains the steps you can take to get a more diverse group of people applying to your organisation.

Public policy highlights
Our policy committees have had a busy month responding to proposed changes in the law. Recent highlights include responses on redundancy protection for women and new parents, defamation, charity law and more!

Glasgow and in-house solicitors voting open for Council seats
Voting is open for the Law Society of Scotland Glasgow & Strathkelvin constituency and for the In-house Lawyers Committee (ILC) convener elections, with all Glasgow and in-house solicitors being encouraged to make the most of their vote.