Law Society news

Concerns remain over drop in legal aid spend
We have commented on a further drop in legal aid spend following publication of the Scottish Legal Aid Board annual report.

Law Society launches new accreditation for legal technologists
Solicitors and Accredited Paralegals who have specialist technology roles could be awarded a new accreditation in recognition of their expertise.

Working as a government solicitor
Holly Dyce, newly qualified solicitor at GLSS, discusses the realities of applying for and undertaking a traineeship with the Government

Millennials and Generation Z as customer and client: changing trade for next generation businesses
Carolyn Thurston Smith, one of our policy executives, will be moderating a panel at next month’s World Trade Organisation’s Public Forum : Millennials and Generation Z as customer and client: changing trade for next generation businesses

Law Society and Faculty comment on importance of independent judiciary and legal profession
Law Society President John Mulholland and Dean of the Faculty of Advocates Gordon Jackson QC jointly comment in advance of the Supreme Court judgment on the UK Government’s prorogation of Parliament.

Law Society responds to consultation on Legal Aid reform
The Law Society of Scotland has highlighted the importance of making the legal aid system easier to navigate for members of the public and solicitors, and reiterated concerns about the sustainability of funding for the service as part of the response to a Scottish Government consultation on legal aid reform.

Strategic partnership with Braemar Finance announced
The Society has announced its strategic partnership with Braemar Finance, one of the premier finance providers for the professions in the UK.

Registers of Scotland reports price increase
Fees for Registers of Scotland reports will increase as of Monday 30 September.

AML Roundup September 2019
As the UK and Scottish Governments continue to intensify focus on AML measures and scrutiny of professional body supervisors, we continue to build our capabilities in this area – both to fulfill our responsibilities as a supervisor and to support our members’ compliance. Given that context, there is a huge volume of information and materials available and we have rounded these up for our members.

10 top tips to get you started on social media
If you're painfully aware that you're missing a trick when it comes to social media and your business, but Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin are complete mysteries to you, these ten top tips will provide a useful starting point for you.

The AML Certificate period is changing
Taking learnings from last year's inaugural AML Certificate process on board, this year's process will run to a different schedule.

Law Society at the Elder Abuse Scotland Conference
Policy Executive, Gillian Mawdsley, was delighted to attend and participate at the Action on Elder Abuse Scotland 2019 National Conference on behalf of the Law Society of Scotland by running a workshop on how the Scottish legal system should protect older people.

Maximising our potential without compromising our wellbeing
Chetna Bhatt, co-founder and CEO of Being Lawyers, discusses what we can all do to maximise our potential while ensuring our wellbeing at work.

Giuseppe Pia: Top three legal technology myths exposed
Giuseppe Pia, trainee at Burness Paull, is the first person to undertake a legal tech seat at the firm; a dual role with the tech & commercial team and the firm’s innovation manager. Over his blog series, Giuseppe will de-code the hot topic of legal tech and explain what he’s learning about this growing area of legal service.

Enhanced AML inspection pilot
Our Head of AML, Graham Mackenzie explains that due to a growing understanding of the inherent risks faced by legal professionals, we are enhancing our Anti-Money Laundering supervision regime.

Solicitors vote for below inflationary practising certificate fee rise
A below inflationary rise in the cost of practising as a Scottish solicitor, has been agreed by solicitors at today’s Special General Meeting.

On the road again in 2019 - our local events for new trainees
Yasemin Guven, Careers Development Officer, explains why we run roadshows for new first year trainees and why you should sign up (or encourage your trainees to sign up!) and come along.

2019 Scottish legal award winner blogs
Julie Harris, Partner at Allan McDougall Solicitors talks about how their client orientated focus and a different approach to working with them led to winning Litigation Team of the Year at the Scottish Legal Awards 2019

Eminent solicitors receive lifetime honorary Society membership
Two west coast based solicitors will be awarded honorary membership of the Law Society of Scotland in its platinum year, at its special general meeting on 6 September 2019