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You are currently filtering for: criminal-court-work

English Law Commission floats non-jury rape trials idea
Evidence consultation paper canvasses more radical measures to combat myths

Bar associations plan ballots on juryless rape trials
Professional opposition grows as victim bodies support proposed pilot

Justice reforms published in new Holyrood bill
Verdicts, jury sizes and new Sexual Offences Court all included

Victims to get virtual introduction to court experience
New technology will provide interactive experience ahead of giving evidence

Trials backlog reduces in February as more cases start
Scottish Courts' monthly workbook shows increased throughput

Appeal court prefers interests of justice to Swift test
Two stage test not the approach where crucial witness absent

Brown hails initial success of digital evidence pilot
Dundee trial of DESC scheme has handled 600 cases since January

McGarry trial fair despite social media: Appeal Court
Former MP fails in appeal against embezzlement conviction

SCTS provides update on clearing trials backlogs
Resources being switched from summary to solemn cases

Appeal Court condemns adjournments of child's case
Crown and court criticised for failure to follow prescribed procedure

Courts to be hit by industrial action on 1 February
SCTS hopes to maintain essential business, but disruption expected

Criminal case backlog down 30% in 2022: SCTS
December figures support projections for clearing pandemic arrear

November criminal cases kept above pre-Covid levels
SCTS figures show increased throughput over the month

Life prisoners’ serious crime prevention orders quashed
Not proportionate response to prospective risk to make orders now

Inspectors seek better handling of sexual history cases
Report makes nine recommendations for prosecutors and Government

SCTS: case backlog down by 10,000 from 43,000 peak
Monthly workbook shows varied throughput in criminal courts in September

2021-22 a milestone year: Sentencing Council report
Annual report highlights significance of two new guidelines

Lord President reviews Covid recovery in annual address
Address for new legal year surveys progress with recovery programme

Edinburgh court business affected by mourning events
High Court trials relocated; Court of Session to sit virtually

Pilot scheme opens to reduce summary criminal hearings
Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley test early disclosure and resolution scheme

Trials backlog down 7,500 since January, SCTS claims
Latest monthly workbook shows fewer cases processed in July

Sheriffs principal issue guidance on court hearings
New statement on holding hearings in person or remotely

Criminal trial backlog reducing, SCTS claims
Monthly figures show variable performance in June, but overall queue falls