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Terrorist release bill questioned in rule of law report
Bingham Centre raises issue over changed expectations of serving prisoners
Holyrood committee backs new animal welfare measures
Stage 1 report believes still more could be done
Facial recognition tech not fit for police use, MSPs report
Committee calls for proper legal regulation of use
Budget figures show continuing legal aid freeze
Projected spending unchanged from previous two years
Figures show scale of Police Scotland's informant payouts
£1.3m over five years is second highest in UK
Child sex abuse is "special circumstance" for Moorov rule
High Court refuses appeals based on gap between offences
Study to explore reasons for number of remand prisoners
Ministers to seek further alternatives
Court may not grant s 275 application of consent: appeal judges
Court must be satisfied that statutory admissibility test has been met
Pre-recording of child evidence in force from today
New provisions apply to most High Court cases
Trial not unfair because part heard in private: ECtHR
UK held not in breach of Convention over national security decision
Regime to support adults under investigation in force today
"Appropriate adult" services for the vulnerable now standard over Scotland
Health and safety prosecutions down, but stay vigilant: lawyer
Bruce Craig comments on pressures facing HSE
Ministers to hold discussion events on jury reform
Open events will consider what should follow research findings
Start date for summary criminal case management pilots
Dundee, Hamilton and Paisley to test new approach
Court user satisfaction remains high, latest survey finds
Professional and public users report good experience
High Court explains returned prisoner discount calculations
Period on remand taken into account after discount applied
Freedom of information request for JPs' expenses refused
Commissioner protects volunteers' data from being made public
Inspectorate of Prosecution publishes annual report
Sheriff court solemn work, and FAIs, main focus of recent inspections
Two appointments to Scottish Sentencing Council
New lay and police members to serve five year terms
MSPs call for views on forensic examinations bill
Government intends to put current practice on statutory base
Independent review to investigate handling of deaths in prison
Chief inspector to recommend improvements to arrangements
Updated youth justice standards proposed in new consultation
Framework for auditing services supporting young offenders
Homicide cases show consistent level, official figures reveal
Only three of 60 cases in 2018-19 remain unsolved
Fair treatment for abused women? Faculty stages public discussion
Judge and feminist studies professor to consider legal issues