Legal news
You are currently filtering for: family-child-law
Home Office rejects call to regulate Sharia councils
Islamic specialist's report calls for councils to operate within the law
Families Need Fathers sets up Dundee group
Inaugural meeting next week for parents with difficult contact
'Named person' legislation threatened with 'significant delay'
Deputy First Minister and Holyrood committee have difference of opinion
Amend EU bill to preserve family law harmony, advocates urge
Family Law Association claims reciprocity arrangements vital
Scottish ministers propose simpler acquired gender laws
Consultation opens on self declaration system and non-binary recognition
Holyrood passes Child Poverty Bill
Targets in place to reduce child poverty by 2030
MSPs call on Government to revisit named persons code of practice status
Committee believes Holyrood should vote before proposals become law
Council vicariously liable for foster carers' abuse, Supreme Court rules
Principles for imposing liability met by law and practice at relevant time
More than 900 abusers disclosed under "Clare's law", police reveal
Second year of operation sees total requests top 2,000
Justice committee backs Domestic Abuse bill
Members pay tribute to individuals who spoke about their experiences
Revised "named persons" bill still needs improvement, Faculty believes
Information sharing measure does not fully address Supreme Court comments
Ending physical punishment of children could be good thing: Society
Response on proposed bill recognises culture change on children's rights
Wife wins appeal over period for calculating pension rights
Husband's "membership" of scheme not confined to active membership
Commissioner calls ministers in breach of children's rights over smacking
Call for active support of member's bill to ban physical punishment
Family action case management coming to Court of Session
New rules to apply from 18 September
Website on shared parenting launched by FNF Scotland
Case studies and other resources posted to help raise awareness
Faculty supports cross-examination restrictions at children's hearings
Unrepresented parties should not be allowed to cross-examine children
Revised named person scheme brought to the Parliament
Bill includes stronger parental rights and controls on sharing information
Child Poverty Bill passes stage 1
No opposition at first parliamentary hurdle
MSP aims to bring in bill to outlaw smacking of children
John Finnie claims law out of step with families and with international law
Child poverty targets should be strengthened, MSPs believe
Committee's stage 1 report says timescales "too distant"
SLCC launches updated Family Law Consumer Guide
New edition offers tips based on real complaints
Family action curator ad litem rules to change
New rules over appointment to defenders
Children's hearings reforms could work better, MSPs report
Committee believes now more difficult for children to be heard