Legal news
Anderson Strathern appoints private client consultant
Sarah McKinlay joins from Addleshaw Goddard
Richard Murray joins TC Young as partner
Senior private client lawyer hired for Edinburgh office
Commissions begin project on law around driverless vehicles
Law reform bodies combine to review UK's legal framework
Public Guardian fees increase from next month
Inflation linked rises apply from 25 April
Millar & Bryce opens Glasgow office
Search company plans expansion in west
Death announced of former Sheriff Principal Macleod
Service next week to celebrate his life
Ministers consider options to prevent pay docking for snow absence
Complaints from workers over employers' threats
Society and Parliament offer this year's student blog prize
Work experience and £500 for best entry on committee engagement
Women in Law Scotland announce Women's Day debate details
Prominent figures to take sides over need for quotas
Advocacy support for rape victims to be extended
Pilot scheme to be expanded over next two years
Sheriff allows VAT and dues with simple procedure expenses
Capped expenses not exhaustive of what successful party may recover
Two sheriffs appointed to Grampian, Highland & Islands
Former fiscal and litigation solicitor to join shrieval bench
Proposed rules published for First-tier Tribunal mental health chamber
Transfer scheduled to take place in November